10. Ups and Downs

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Day 7
Asher and Alex
Hannah and Dougie
Jodie and Kyle
Skye and Taylor
Violetta and James
Zoe and Sam

"I come bearing gifts." Dougie says as he makes his way over to James and I. We both look to see him with a chocolate bar in each hand, "one for you, and one for you." He hands them over to me and James and I take it off of him gratefully.

"You're amazing Doug." I smile, tearing open the wrapper of the chocolate bar. As I take a bite, I fall in love with Dougie just a little bit. "What did I do to deserve a friend like you?"

He laughs before replying, "you helped me couple up with the girl of my dreams." Fair point, Dougie's not allowed to not be my friend after I did that for him. "So, you had a go at Asher yet for what she did yesterday?"

"Nah," I reply instantly, looking at James, then back at Dougie, "At this point, she's not even worth my energy anymore. She's acting like a child in here and eventually karma is gonna come up and bite her in the arse. And I'm going to sit here and laugh when it does."

"And I'll be right by your side laughing with you." James adds, holding my hand. "I swear, Asher has done nothing but try to break us up and I'm sick of it. The sooner she goes, the better." Just then, James' phone goes off, I lean in to read what the message says, but James stands up and shouts, "guys, I've got a text!" Causing everyone to turn to us to listen what the message says, "Islanders, the public have been voting for their favourite girl, the girl with the most amount of votes will receive a night in the hideaway with a guy of her choosing #QueenBee #AllIsFairInLoveAndWar."

Then I hear someone else get a text, but I'm not sure who's phone it is. "Guys, I've got a text." Kyle announces, "The girl with the most amount of votes and is therefore the most popular in the villa is..." I wait for him to say Jodie's name, but for some reason he never does. "Violetta."

My hand immediately gravitates towards my open mouth, trying to cover up the shock of what I've just heard. Jodie and Kyle come running over, And Asher and Taylor seem to be sulking in the corner. "Oh my god, congrats Vee." Jodie squeals, pulling me into a hug.

"So, how does it feel?" James asks, causing me to pull away from Jodie's tight hug. "Being the most popular girl in here?"

"It's weird." I honestly reply. "I don't know why they like me so much, I'm nothing special."

"Well you're special to me." He smiles, and I laugh a little at how cheesy he is.

"Alright you guys, get a room." Jodie jokingly comments, giggling to herself.

"Well they will now that they've got the night in the hideaway." Kyle remarks, and I completely forgot that we get to sleep in the hideaway tonight. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"And do everything I would do." Jodie sniggers with a little wink in my direction. I shoot her a look, and she tries to stop laughing but she can't. "Have fun anyway."

We say goodnight to everyone as we take our stuff into the hideaway. When we get there, the bed is covered in rose petals and there's two glasses and a bottle of champagne on a table. "Wow, this is so romantic."

As we smile at the room, the TV turns on, and I see my mother and father on the screen. "Oh my God!" I squeal, running in front of the TV screen so that they can see me. "I can't believe it."

"Sweetheart, it's so good to see you." My Pa says, "you're doing so well, we're all so proud of you. Aren't we Maria?"

"Oh, yeah." My Ma says. "Ti amo, Violetta."

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