14. The Fight

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Day 10
Asher and James
Hannah and Dougie
Jodie and Kyle
Skye and Alex
Violetta and Taylor
Zoe and Sam

I wake up on the sofa next to James, Asher and Taylor. We all had a sleepover together out here rather than sharing a bed with someone that we didn't particularly want to. "Morning." I smile at them, and they all sleepily groan at me, letting me know that they want to sleep for a while longer. "Come on you guys, I have a feeling today's going to be a good day."

I can't explain why, but after all the drama last night, I feel like we deserve a nice, stress free day today. But I can't speak too soon, in this villa things can go from smiles to tears in an instant. Just then, Taylor decides to get up off the sofa, and we both make our way to the kitchen. "I don't suppose you could help me?" He says, as soon as the others can't hear us anymore.

"Sure, what do you need?" I reply instantly, now that we've decided to actually be friends.

"I wanted to make Asher breakfast in bed." He states, and I'm assuming that he needs me to help him distract Asher so she doesn't come to the kitchen. "But I don't know how to cook."

This takes me by surprise, "what?" I exclaim, "how can you not know how to cook?"

"I'm just not very good at it, I think I might cause I fire if I try." He explains, "So can you just tell me what to do, and I'll do it."

I can't help but laugh to myself, "of course." It only takes a little while, but together we've managed to make scrabbled eggs with bacon for Taylor and Asher, and sausage sandwiches for me and James.

"Thank you so much, she's going to love this." He beams, so excited by the meal we've just cooked up.

"You're acting as if this is gourmet, you know it's pretty simple, right?" I ask, hoping he knows that this is nothing special.

We go to walk back into the villa with our plates of food in each hand, "I know, but you seem to know a lot about cooking."

"I'm Italian," I remind him, "what do you expect?" We both laugh as we go back into the living room where James and Asher are now more awake, but still haven't made it off of the sofas.

"Surprise." Taylor laughs, going up to Asher with her breakfast.

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" She squeals, "brownie points!"

I laugh at her words, then hand James' breakfast to him. "I hope you like it."

"I love it." He instantly responds, clearly not caring what I've made for him. It's the thought that counts after all. "I'm so lucky."


"I've got a text!" Zoe screams from the edge of the pool, so I sit up and pay attention. "Girls, it's time to get hearts racing, but remember boys, try to stay calm #HotUnderTheCollar #StripTease ."

My jaw is dropped, I've seen them do this before on this show, and I kinda hoped I wouldn't have to do it. But before I know it, all the girls are upstairs getting changed into different costumes whilst the guys wait outside by the fire pit. Jodie goes first, waltzing out in a school girl costume, and you can instantly see the excitement on Kyle's face. Part of me is surprised that Jodie's such a natural at this, but the other part of me isn't shocked in the slightest.

All of the other girls have had their turn now, leaving just me left. And I don't know what I'm going to do. Obviously I go up to James first, and let's just say that if he had any money he'd be making it rain. I then move to Taylor, and knowing how Asher would react, I just grab both his hands and do a little dance like at a school disco. I then make my way to the other boys, and I really don't want to let the girls down, we all agreed to make the boys as embarrassed as possible, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. So I decide to go all the way and give the performance of a lifetime, and I can hear all the girls cheering back on the balcony of the villa.

When I'm done, I giggle as I walk off, then all the girls come downstairs to meet me and they all give me a massive hug. "Oh my god, you were amazing!" Jodie exclaims, clearly quite shocked.

"I really don't know where that came from." I tell her, causing all the girls to laugh.

"It was so funny watching all the boys." Hannah laughs, "they were shook."

"It was weird having to give a lap dance to Dougie though, he's been like a brother to me in here." I explain, genuinely feeling weirded out by that little encounter.

But we all make our way over to the guys to hear the results. They all take it in turns reading out text messages, revealing which girl peaked their heart rate the most. Asher peaked Taylor's heart rate. And I peaked everyone else's. "Looks like I'm the lucky one." James jokes, standing up to give me a hug. "I just hope you won't be doing that to other guys ever again."

"Don't worry, I won't." I reassure him, but find it quite cute that he's getting a little jealous. "You're the only guy for me, and you know that."

But our little conversation soon turns into a group discussion. "You really looked good tonight, Violetta." Sam comments, and I can feel James tense up as he hears those words. "Maybe I made some wrong decisions at the recouplings."

"What?" James asks threateningly, and I place a hand on his shoulder, trying to make him calm down. I've never seen this side to him before.

"Well, you know," Sam starts with a smirk on his face, and everyone else stands there in silence, not knowing if they should do anything, or just let the drama play out. "Violetta is a fiery girl, and I think she'd have a lot more fun with me in the villa, especially at night." He laughs, and before I can do anything to stop him, James is lunging at Sam.

"James!" I shout, trying my best to stop him, but I can't. James doesn't actually hurt Sam in any way, he knows it's against the rules. But Sam clearly didn't get the memo, he's swinging at James like there's no tomorrow, and I can tell that James is getting more and more angry and that he might do something stupid any second if I don't do anything to stop him. "James." I say again, placing a hand on his shoulder, turning him around to face me.

But when I do, he has his fist raised and for a moment I thought he was going to punch me. I drop my hand from his shoulder and take two steps back, scared about who the man I thought I was falling in love with has turned into. "Wait, Vee-" He starts, reaching out a hand to apologise.

"Don't touch me." I warn him, my voice cracking, then I run away, into the villa. I never thought James would do anything to hurt me, he's such a caring guy, but I've seen a completely different side to him tonight. The side that scares me.

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