Chapter 17

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'I'm just curious Tyrion, it's not like I want to imitate your lunacy.'

She had been pressing the small man for more information on a certain form of horse-abuse for the last several minutes, and so far he has refused to explain anything about the situation. However, numerous times little chuckles like his current one filled the large chamber that was her sleeping quarters. It was getting quite tiresome, as he had been withholding the information for a very long time.

Jaime had been busy the entire morning, leaving her alone with Tyrion and – until less than an hour past – her new handmaiden. According to Cersei, and later Jaime, her injuries were too severe to leave her unattended. Strange, considering that they only imposed the servant upon her after almost a month of healing. With the girl finally gone Megara had the opportunity to inquire all about the escapade he had mentioned to Jaime so long ago.

'I apologize, really, but your betrothed prefers I spare your innocence the details.' She scoffed. He said that every time. She was very close to revealing something she knew she shouldn't – she had lost her innocence a very long time ago. And many times after. People in Asshai were not as conservative as the Westerosi. 'This is the part where you ask what innocence and I remind you that you're a virgin.' Tyrion said after she failed to respond with her usual remark.

'Well, if that's what you'd prefer to think I hold nothing against you.' She grinned, but after a moment she dissolved back into nagging. 'Come on, I just want to know how you got the horse to do it. They don't exactly have huge–human-hungry libido.' There went that chuckle again, the cocky little shit. 'You would be surprised.'

That she knew was false. She had been inside the very mind of a horse, she knew with certainty that they had no attraction to humans. She was about to ask again when her dearest handmaiden opened the door, and bowed as if it was an important thing to do. The girl used to be Cersei's, so Meg assumed it had been to the Queen. But to her, it was just annoying.

'Why is she back? I said she could leave. As in, for the rest of eternity.' She complained to Tyrion. Before the dwarf could translate – and make her seem much nicer than she was as he kept doing – the girl spoke. Clearly she had registered the annoyance on Megara's face.

"I'm sorry My Lady, but there is important news." The blond glanced nervously at the two nobles. "Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of The King, is dead. Master Pycelle believes old age."

Jaime Lannister

Leaving the room in which Jon Arryn's corpse was found, the man felt sick to his stomach to no fault of the overly sweet scent inside. Cersei was too much. Everything about her was starting to make him want to die. Anyone could have walked in, and even if that wasn't the case, Cersei had just murdered a man for figuring out their secret. And then forced him into having sex with her beside his rotting body. It was disgusting.

"Rosemary is a fine girl Meg, hating her is just mean." He rounded the corner in time to see Megara roll her eyes. He was glad that she didn't like, and more importantly didn't have any kind of bond or trust, with her handmaiden. Despite all he had done under Cersei's behest to place the girl in Megara's service, he knew the girl was only there to be a spy. But something seemed off.

'I don't like how formal she is. I'm a normal person, she doesn't need to bow. And I can dress myself – in pants.'

That's when it really registered with him. She was wearing a dress, painfully similar to one that a typical Lady of Westeros would wear. Light blue in color, long, formal and regal. It was strange for him to see her in anything other than the short-cut trousers that she always wore, yet alone a flowing skirt. She looked beautiful, but not like herself. He didn't like it. Although, there was always a chance he just missed looking at her legs.

"You look like any other Lady, and she's treating you as one. And she isn't going to stop, so I recommend getting used to it." She scowled at the Dwarf, and was about to kick him, when Jaime stepped in making his presence known.

"Easy, I know he's the size of a ball but I don't think he'll travel quite as well." A huge grin spread across Megara's face as she run over to hug him – forgetting about the dress and her hate for her new handmaiden. He understood why. He hadn't seen her all day, and he really missed her as well.

"I am not the size of a ball," Tyrion was muttering as the two hugged. 'Are you done with whatever you had to do? Because if not, I am going to punch you.' He chuckled at her statement. 'I'm done.' She grinned and quickly began pulling him towards she and Tyrion had been standing in the sun of the gardens. They were not in their usual secluded place, but Jaime had no idea why.

Megara Emrys

'You're staring.' Jaime suddenly blinked and adjusted his posture, making her laugh. After the death of Jon Arryn days past, Jaime had been given twice as much guard time. She was sick of not seeing him because of it, and decided to stand guard with him for once. She wondered how he kept sane having to constantly listen to and old fat man banging an army of whores.

'I would never,' She glowered, and made a show of adjusting the short sword at her side. Cersei had needed an extra handmaiden for the day, thankfully, leaving Meg to dress herself. She had never been gladder to have a pair of trousers in her life. Jaime must have liked it too, because he kept silently staring at her lower body.

'Jaime,' She somehow conveyed a warning tone with her hands. 'I don't like it when people lie to me.' She then smirked as a guilty look came on his face. 'Have I ever lied to you?' The question sounded weirdly strained, but she ignored it. 'Well... nothing comes to mind... but still! Stop staring.'

'Why? I quite like admiring your beauty.' She laughed in success. 'So you were staring.' His eyes widened and he cursed himself for falling for the dumbest of tricks. 'What if I was. You make me –'

He was cut off by a particularly loud whore within the chamber they were guarding. "...Want to taste every single inch of you." The two guards stared at each other for a moment in utter shock, before they both started laughing uncontrollably. The timing cracking both of them up completely.

'Interesting proposition Ser Jaime, but I'm afraid such acts must wait until the marriage bed, no?'

'Not necessarily.'

She suddenly felt a great many emotions begin to cloud her mind, most of which were to do with whether or not the Lannister was joking.

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