Chapter Four: What the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks?!

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My palm pressed firmly onto the heavy door, I was ready to leave; to stop hearing everything, to forget everything. I wanted to go back to North Carolina and continue on with my life. I know I'm not normal, truly even the mortal humans aren't normal, but at least I had some slightest control over it all. I wanted to close my eyes and wish it all away, just accepting mom is dead in the first place is a wise step; but to accept everything else dropping on my lap is insane.

"Jupiter, wait." Athena has already caught up to me, she was breathless from just running the four regular steps from the office to the stairs. "You're confuse-"

"Of course I am!" I barked while wiping my body around to see her more clearly. I bundled my fingers into fist as they rested by my sides, I wanted to punch the wall, y'all, scream; anything to get rid of this rage inside my chest- it was crawling me from the inside out, burning my throat and foggy up my mind. I hate it when I get angry, I can't seem to control myself. "First your telling me my mom is stuck in some fucking underworld, then angels comes into the conversation. I barely know about witches, how the fuck am I going to know about demons and all of this other shit."

I breath heavy, chest righted as my rage grew larger. I had to get it out, but I can't hurt Athena- I can't hurt anyone. I flung my hand out, static filled my finger tips before a burst of energy hit every nerve of my body. The defenseless desk across the room lunges five feet in the air to only land across the room landing on another defenseless desk. The rage subdued, a sharp intake of breath cleared the fog in my mind and steady my heart. Just then, Katherine stormed out her office to witness the commotion and most likely protect her girlfriend.

Athena, on the other hand, didn't flinch. Her eyes strained on me with a stern gaze, brows furrowed and spine straight as she too shared rage- but it wasn't as powerful as mine. "Your anger and cluelessness is the main reason why my mother is treating you like a child." It was more of a self acknowledgement than a jab to my gut. "I'm fine walking on eggshells around you, I'm done watching people take pity. Yes! You lost your mother, mostly everyone in this room... in this world has lost someone they love, but do you see them blowing up desk and running away from their lives? No, you don't! Get your shot together Jupiter because this is your life now, and if you're willing to sit down and listen instead of getting angry; I will tell you everything you need to know. Only if you corporate."

I gulped down the sudden sense of hiding in a corner and turning away from my cousin's cold gaze, instead I nod my head in corporation. "Okay."

Athena relaxes her muscles instantly and nod as well. "Good, now clean this place up."

"Athena." Katherine squeaks, but her eyes were trained closely on me. She was scared, I can feel her fear in my body, along with her alertness that forced her power to double in the air.

As they hide themselves in the office, I rolled my shoulders to loosen up. "Restituo." I whispered, causing my body to buzz and mind scatter. It was hitting rewind; the desk flew back into its right place, the computers and phone plugged themselves in, the papers swirled around the room before stacking themselves perfectly on the appropriate desk. It was all done by time Athena stepped out the office, I would assume she would be pleased by my quick thinking; unfortunately, it caused her to frown.

"Come on, we should get home."

"I should apologize. I recked her office-"

"It's fine, Katherine knows it was out of anger and not intentional. But she souses and it's not a good idea to speak to her when she's pissed."

Yeah, I know how that feels... Temper tantrums weren't my style, I few times I threw therm when I were a teenage, I recked shit with witchcraft unintentionally, even hurt myself a few times. I thought I had it all under control, I meditate, drink herbal tea on the regular bases, even did boxing classes to get all the rage out. Then all that rage I thought I disposed comes back. "Still." I voiced with a heavy sigh. "Just make sure she knows I'm sorry, okay."

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