25. Unexpected

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It was game day!

These event were actually quite big at our school and through the entire week, that school spirit really gets to you.

My mood had lightened up a bit because of this and I looked forward to this night.
I also didn't really think that the fact that Holden was picking me up and taking me to the game, was such a big deal. I mean, I would be going there anyway, he just invited me to go with him.

It's pretty normal for friends to go to stuff together, right?

Okay, so I didn't think that Holden and I were that good of friends, but then maybe he wanted to be and was being polite.

However, everyone apart from me thought otherwise.

Currently, I was standing in my living room with my parents, whilst they were talking to Holden. They looked confused as ever when he came to pick me up, even though I had explained it all beforehand, and now they just seemed interested in him.

The correct word to explain how my Mum felt was shocked.

When Holden walked in, she pulled me to the side and whispered, "What is this?"

In her mind, she 'shipped' me and Liam together.

It was weird enough that my Mum used the word 'shipped', never mind what she meant by those words.

I didn't really dwell on it so much, since it probably stemmed from Liam and I being neighbours and friends when we were little. She probably thought it was cute and all, from a mother's perspective, so I didn't think much of it.

My Dad, however, took a different approach.

He had a way of saying really serious things as a joke, and he did just that. My Dad joked about 'if you try anything with my daughter, I have a gun'. The way he said it seemed as if he were being silly, but it was anything but that.

My parents just couldn't accept that Holden and I were just friends. Of course, Holden wasn't helping in the slightest, by not saying anything.

"Alright, that's enough guys," I looked at my parents. "We've got to get going," I said.

"Fine, fine," my Dad nodded at with me with a smile and then looked at Holden more sternly. "Remember what I say, boy," he threatened...again.

"Yes, Sir," Holden replied.

He probably thought I was a lunatic, along with my family.

"Okay, we're off. Bye guys," I gave my Mum and Dad a kiss on the cheek, and practically shoved Holden out the door, as if there were a trail of fire behind me.

I could hear my Mum shouting about texting when I reached, even as I walked out the door.

"I'm so sorry about that," I apologised as I sat in Holden's car. "My parents are crazy."

He chuckled at my words. "They're nice.

"You're kind," I smiled at him.

In all honesty, I loved my parents, as crazy as they are. They could be too much but then they did it all for the love of me, so it was acceptable.

"Thank you for coming with me," Holden then said, glancing at me briefly, before keeping his eyes on the road.

He's so polite.

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