37. A Day

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3 Years Later...

In the last few years, time has literally flown by. It's almost been a blur for me.

It was only at the end of the year, would I actually realise this. In the midst of all the work and exams, I would think that time was going really slow, almost to the point I couldn't stand it. However, when the term was over, I would think where did the time go.

I had left for college before we moved into the new house. My parents wanted me to leave from our home, assuming that it would be easier and so that there wouldn't be too much moving around.

At first, it was hard knowing this was the last time I would be leaving this house, since I would be moving to a new one.

It took a while for us to all adjust to the new surroundings. For a while, I didn't even call it home, it was just 'the new house' to me.

When I came back for the holidays the first time, that's when I tried to decorate properly. I tried to make it my own and I think that really helped.

However, what really helped the change was introducing a new family member. Not a sibling, but a pet. We adopted a German Shepard puppy, naming him Rocky.

Initially, we thought about possibly adopting a guard dog, but then we saw this cute little guy, with his black and brown fur and deep brown eyes, we just couldn't say no to him. He was an immediate favourite.

Every time that I would come home for the holiday, he would just want to play with me, sleeping by the foot of my bed for those nights. He was the cutest.

The entire college experience was quite an odd one, but so great at the same time.

I was so glad to have Sara and Chris with me, since I never really felt lonely. Our second year, the three of us even shared an apartment together, which was so fun. We went to some amazing parties, even threw some ourselves, which occasionally got a bit out of hand, but it was still worth it.

Throughout my studies, I made some new friends as well. At first, it was a little weird forming a new group of friends. I couldn't help think back to my friends from high-school. It was just different.

After three years we were all still pretty much in contact with each other, but just not as much as before, which is understandable I guess, although it was a little sad.

Of course, I was still pretty close to Danny. He was still at school and had a lot of learning to go through. His journey of being a doctor, still continued. I just couldn't wait to see him in scrubs, he'll look so handsome.

During college, I was asked out by a couple of guys, but I turned it down each time. After Liam and then Holden, I think I needed a break. I just wanted to focus on my work and my friends right now, I didn't want to add someone else into the loop.

Honestly, I don't think that I could add someone else into the loop.

Although, it worked out for me. As I seemed to have thrown myself into my studies, it actually proved to be a good thing, since I graduated with honours.

I knew after my high-school graduation, that my parents would be emotional and embarrassing during graduation at college, and they did not disappoint at all.

My Mum couldn't stop crying and my Dad shouted out 'that's my girl' when my name was read out, as I walked on stage. I'll be honest, it was really sweet and I loved seeing them so happy, I just wish their happiness was slightly more contained.

Three years had just seemingly flown by and I couldn't help but wonder, would it continue to do so?


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