Chapter 2:

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                                                               Rose POV:

As we pull up to the dock in New York, we see the statue of liberty. 

"Everybody off!!" The guards yell. As everyone files off the boat, I turn my head and spot Cal staring at me straight in the eyes, looking like he is about to bubble over with anger. I turn back around to Jack.  

"Hurry Jack! He found us!" We run off of the boat, trying to put as much distance between Cal and us. Right when we step onto the grounds of New York for the first time, I realize that we have nowhere to go. I walk over to a guard who is guiding everyone off of the boat. "Um, excuse me, where are we supposed to go now? We have nowhere to go," I ask. 

"I don't know lady, figure it out yourself," he answers in a thick New York accent.  I stare at him briefly, then turn back around to find Jack. I find him standing off to the side of the flowing crowd, looking up at the statue of liberty, admiring it. 

"You know, I expected to come to America, but I never imagined that we would go through what we went through to get here." He says when he catches me looking at him. 

"Do you regret going on the Titanic?" I ask. He looks at me. 

"Of course not! If I didn't go on the Titanic, I never would have met you. And you would've, you know, jumped off. I don't care what I had to go through to meet you but I wouldn't trade it for anything. You jump, I jump, remember?" These words move me. My eyes are getting watery but I tell myself to not cry. 

"I remember," I close my eyes. I don't know how else to respond to this. When I open my eyes a second later, I ask, "Where do we go now? The guard over there wasn't much help," I say. 

"Well, I have a little surprise!" Jack replies. 

"What is it?" I ask, waiting for him to tell me. 

"Before I went on the Titanic, I had a plan of what I was going to do when I got here. Where I was going to go after, I mean. Fabrizio and I planned it but he's not here now. Anyway, I have a friend who lives here. I have his address in my pocket. I forgot about it through all of the commotion but I still have it." He pulls out a wrinkled piece of paper with water stains and unfolds it. 

             *                                             *                                          *   

                                                               Jack POV:

When I knock on the front door, my friend, George opens it two seconds later. When he sees me, his face melts into a combination of surprise and happiness. 

"I heard what happened to the Titanic! I didn't know if you made it or not!" He said. "I guess I was just hoping for the best and expecting the worse so that I wouldn't be too disappointed if... you know...,"

"Yes, I know, but we're here now!" I replied. 

"Where's Fabrizio?" He asks. He turns his head to look at Rose. "And who's this?" 

"Oh, um, I'm sorry to say but, Fabrizio didn't make it," I answered. George's face turns to pitty. 

"I'm sorry," he looks at me with sad eyes. 

"Yeah, anyway, this is Rose. I met her on the Titanic. We're kind of... A thing," I say. 

"Ah, okay. I'm so glad that both of you made it," he says, smiling. "Enough chatter. You two must be starving! Come inside," He says as he walks deeper into the house to let us in. Rose and I follow him in. We sit down at the table. While George disappears into the kitchen, I smile at Rose as she looks around the room. 

        *                                                       *                                               *                                                  

                                                               Rose POV:

When I wake up, I find Jack reading a book on the other side of the bed. The cover reads "Death In Venice". "Where did you get that book? We don't have any belongings after the Titanic sank," I ask.   

"Oh, George has a bookshelf of books in the hallway," he says. 

"Right, that makes sense," I say. I turn my body under the covers to face him. 

"So, how do you like this house and the meals?" Jack asks. I laugh a little at that one. I am used to having very fancy meals and living in huge mansions. 

"This will take a while to get used to," I reply. 

"I am going to work so hard to get us a place to live and give you the life you deserve," he says. 

"I'm going to find a way to make money also but if I'm with you, I'm happy. No matter the conditions," I say. I smile and turn to look at the ceiling. Suddenly, my smile drops and I run to the bathroom just in time to not make a mess on the floor of last night's dinner. 

"Rose? What's wrong?" Jack says as he runs to me in the bathroom. He looks at the toilet and then at my face. "Rose, are you sick?"

"No, I, I don't know why this happened," I said. Suddenly I realize something, apparently, he realizes it too because he says,

"Rose! Do you know what this means? You might be pregnant!"  


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