Las Vegas

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Chapter Twelve


It was a dangerous call, but it was one I had to make. I drove into Diego's neighborhood, going up to his door, knocking in the special pattern.

He opened the doors, a little surprised to see me. "What are you doing here, haven't you seen the news?!" he exclaimed, shoving me inside.


"People are looking for you, thanks to you stealing the car!"

"Oh," I wasn't aware people had noticed. Then again, I wasn't subtle about it. "I just needed to tell you, the one person I can depend on, that I'm headed back to Las Vegas, and I'm not planning on returning,"

He sighs. "I knew this day would come, how come you're not with the one girl, whatever her name was. Cas?"

"Yeah, Cas. Well, it wasn't safe with her, the cops were going door to door in her neighborhood, asking about people seeing me,"

"Yeah, well coming to visit me isn't so safe either,"

"I know, I know, I should get going,"

"No, hang on, I have some stuff for you," he tells me, grabbing a plastic grocery bag. "Take this, and don't take the car. That's too obvious. I have a spare behind the apartment, the keys are in the back,"

"You really were expecting me to head back weren't you?" I was a little surprised.

"Well, yeah. There's some clothes, some non perishables, a flip phone that shouldn't be able to be tracked, and some cash,"

"Thanks Diego, this means a lot to me,"

"Yeah, well, you've always been like a little, annoying, adopted sister to me. Someone who I didn't ask for, but I figured I'd take care of anyways,"

I brought my hand up to my chest, smiling at the comment. "That is so sweet. And you, well, you were always like Diego to me,"

"Wow, that is so touching, Maria," he gives me a hug. "Now leave, before the cops decide to question me,"

"Bye," I head out, going to the back. An old car from the late 1990's was parked, all ready to go. I throw the plastic bag into the passenger seat, and left. It was time to head back to Las Vegas.


I got into the city about two and half hours later, and it was beginning to get dark. My hopes were that Las Vegas was far enough that the news about me hadn't reached there yet. And, I had a few connections in the city as well.

I park the car at a gas station that seemed to be closed down. I rummage through the bag Diego gave me, pulling out the phone. I flipped it open, seeing his number was programmed into it. I dial up an old associate of mine.

"Who is this?" they answer.

"Who else could it be?" I reply.

"Maria? Is that you?"

"Yes, it is,"

"It's nice to hear your voice, what do you need?"

"If I remember correctly, you still owe me a favor,"

"Your remember that? Well, I guess I do, what is it?"

"I need a place to spend the night,"

"Alright, that's fine, you know where to meet up. Do you want food?"

"Food sounds lovely,"

"Alright, see you in what, fifteen?"


"Gotcha, see you then,"

I hung up, driving to a certain somewhere. Once I got there, I see they had left out a tarp for me. I got out of the car, grabbing the bag, then placed the tarp over the car. I walked up to the apartment building, knocking on the door five times.

There was a series of clicks, and I smile to myself. They still had a million locks.

"Get in before anyone sees you!" they hiss through the cracked open door.

I slipped in. "It is very good to see you too, Charlie,"

"Maria, I didn't mean," they begun.

"No, no it's fine," I tease. "So what's for dinner?"

"I have some Chinese takeout, if you want," they offer, gesturing to the food left out on their kitchen counter.

"That sounds great at this point,"

"I haven't seen you around for awhile, where have you been?"

"Oh, you know, I jump around after the little falling out," I say, grabbing some of the food.

Charlie leaned on the counter, resting their chin on their hand. "What are you planning on doing next, since you're back here in good ol' Vegas,"

I shrug, picking at the food. "I dunno, I just want to get away,"

"Cops or someone special?"


Charlie smirks. "It's both isn't it?"

I let out a sigh and a chuckle. "Oh, you know me well,"

"You know me, Maria. I can always tell when there's something else on a person's mind. Care to tell me about them?"

"Why not? They were kind to me, when I didn't deserve it. I accidentally dragged her into my mess and she decided instead of climbing out, she would help me. And then I decided to leave without ever hinting at it, I left her when I told her I'd stay,"

They let out a low whistle. "I always knew you were ruthless, but I never imagined you'd have that kind of cruelty in you,"

"Yeah, I didn't think I did either,"

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