The Trial

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Chapter Twenty-One


It was almost, not quite, a week later when the trial started. Everyone was surprised that it popped up so suddenly. Maria had even waived her right to a speedy trial.

I paced back and forth in front of the court house. We were back in Nevada, as that was where it 'seemed fit' to go through with everything.

Anxiously, I rub the ring on my finger back and forth.

"I never asked, but where did you get the ring?" Grace asks.

"It was from Maria,"

"What does it say?"

I don't even have to look at the words. "I will love you for an eternity,"

"That's sweet of her,"

I give Grace a small nod, whilst chewing down on my lip. I was so terrified for what was to come.

"Look, I may not know Maria like you do, but after seeing you two act together these past days, I can see you love each other, and so I really wish she wins this case,"

I smile. "Thank you,"

Glancing over at the jury, all random people who were called in, I had the smallest feeling of hope. That sliver of hope faded once I saw the prosecutor. It was Anthony Lownhore, one of the best attorneys there was in the state.

I walked over to where my seat was in the crowd, next to Grace and my parents.

"Cas," my mom started. "I know you're really fond of this Maria girl, but please know there's always a chance of her losing,"

I don't respond. I knew there was a chance. I knew there was a very large chance of her losing the case and being tossed into jail for the rest of her life. But still I hoped that wasn't the case.

Grace squeezed my hand. "Don't let them get to you,"

The trial began. My head was clouded and I couldn't catch most words. I could see both Lownhore and Chance working hard for their own cases, and it didn't look like Chance was doing so well.

Watching Maria fiddle with her rings made me mess with mine.

Before I knew it I had to go up there as a witness.

"Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" the judge asks me.

"I do," I keep my eyes focused on Maria.

Lownhore approaches me. "When and where were you when you met Maria Luca?"

"It was two Fridays ago, and I was at a party some classmate threw,"

"What was Miss Luca doing there?"

"I do not know,"

"How did you meet her?"

I think back on it. "She came up to me and said hey, so like a polite person, I started talking with her,"

"At what point did you realize you were speaking to a criminal?"

"It wasn't until a little later when she actually told me. I hadn't heard much about Maria on the news, and so I didn't make any connections on my own,"

"She willingly told you who she was?"


"Are you sure?"

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