Close Combat Pt. 1 (Dagur X Reader)

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Requested by: Faemiddia


You'd known the dragon riders ever since Dagur had come over to their side. Never having much of a home, tou drifted around a lot with your only company, and armor wing named Grim Hoarder. You'd had him since he was a hatchling and the two of you protected each other from harm. In the past, you'd helped get information for Hiccup and the others on Ryker and Viggo.

But this meeting with the riders was much different. After a lifetime of not belonging, you were invited to live on Dragon's Edge and train to become an official dragon rider. Since you had helped greatly in defending the Edge against the Project Shellfire, Hiccup decided it was time for you to become one of them. And you could've been happier.

"(Y/n)!" Hiccup greeted with a welcoming grin as you and Grim landed at the stables, "it's good to see you again."

"And you," you responded with a small smile.

Astrid, who stood beside Hiccup, slung her ax over her shoulder and smirked, "ready to get started?"

You grinned a bit wider, "definitely." The three of you began to walk down to the training arena. There, Dagur was training with Sleuther, who still wasn't quite tame yet. You blushed at the sight of him. Ever since he came over to the good side, you couldn't help but see him in a different light. His constant efforts to prove himself a better man were adorable. Not to mention how attractive he was. You'd never gotten to talk to him much before, but you had a feeling that would change with you becoming a dragon rider now.

"Dagur, think we could use the arena for a while?" Hiccup asked.

Dagur looked from Hiccup to you and smiled, "oh sure, first day of school?"

You nodded shyly, making him chuckle. He was about to leave when a terrible terror came flying their way. It landed on Astrid's shoulder and she read the message attatched to it. With a small gasp, her eyes widened, "my mother's sick..!" Before anyone else could react, she spoke again, "Hiccup, I need to go to Berk."

Hiccup thought for a moment before nodding. "I'll come with you," he then called to the Berserker, "Dagur, could you actually stay and show (Y/n) some basics?"

Your heartbeat accelerated when Dagur shot you a wide grin, "no problem, brother."

"Is that okay?" Hiccup asked you to make sure.

You weren't sure if you were more excited or nervous. But you nodded. The two dragon riders were then off, leaving you with Dagur.

Dagur sighed and thought aloud, "now, where should we start?" Pacing a bit, he muttered, "you've already got the whole dragon-riding part down." He turned to you and asked, "how much experience do you have with close combat?"

"Well, I normally fight along side Grim," you admitted timidly.

Dagur smiled, "that's okay, training is all about trying new things." He tossed a long thin sword to you, surprised by how perfectly you caught it. You examined it, getting a feel for what you'd be working with, then it was time to start. "Don't worry, (Y/n)," Dagur teased playfully, "I'll go easy on you."

You only gave him a challenging grin before the spar commenced. Within seconds, you had Dagur on his back, the tip of your sword at his throat. "Woah," Dagur raised his eyebrows, pushing your blade to the side with his index finger. "Thay was..pretty good," he complimented you as he stood back up.

"Thanks," you responded, holding your chin high with pride.

Dagur gave you a devious grin, "alright, no more mister-nice-Dagur."

Again, metal met metal as the two of you trained. After what felt like hours, you finally stopped. Grim Hoarder and Sleuther had been asleep for a while now at the edge of the arena. You were out of breath and dripping with sweat as you sat down next to your dragon. Dagur followed in suit, sitting next to you with Sleuther, about a foot away from you.

"You really are a natural," he told you with a sideways smile, "I wasn't expecting such, power." He looked from Grim back to you. "Timid, yet an excellent fighter..just like an armor wing," his voice was soft and sweet.

You gave him a small smirk and responded, "well, you're quite like your triple strike, too; cunning and surprising."

Dagur adverted his gaze as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. You could believe your eyes; he was blushing. Noticing this only made your own cheeks redden. He looked back over to you and smiled sweetly, "you're gonna make a great dragon rider."

"Y-you think so?" You asked with a hopeful smile.

Dagur just about melted when he saw this look on your face. The setting sun made your eyes sparkle in a way he'd never seen before. He leaned closer to you and nudged you with his elbow, "I know so."

As if it were even possible, your face became even more red. You smiled affectionately and looked down at your lap. Then you felt something rough against your cheek. When you heard the small suction noise of a kiss, you realized that the roughness was his beard. Dagur had kissed your cheek.

You looked up at him with wide eyes. Dagur simply smiled, his cheeks pink as he stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow for more training," he waved and walked away. Finally, you smiled wildly. Sighing dreamily, you draped yourself back against Grim Hoarder's shoulder. Training was going to be so much fun tomorrow.

HTTYD/RTTE One Shots - X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon