Winged Pt. 3 (Tuffnut X Reader)

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Hiccup - night fury
Astrid - light fury
Fishlegs - dramlion
Snotlout - monstrous nightmare
Ruffnut - sand wraith
Tuffnut - sand wraith
You - moon fury (made-up species; can camouflage like all of the other furies; neutral scale color is dark silver with black and white speckles.)

⇧ I decided to edit the moon fury ⇧so that you all could get a sense for what one looks like

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I decided to edit the moon fury ⇧
so that you all could get a sense for what one looks like. ♡


"Give it back!" Tuffnut growled as he tackled his sister.

"No way!" Ruff snarled, "you dropped it, so it's mine."

"No fair, get your own!" Tuffnut argued. The twins continued to roll around in a wrestling match, wings flicking up dust and dirt as they did.

You and Snotlout sat together casually, watching from a bit of a distance. The two of you had grown close, basically being dragon in-laws now. And you'd bonded greatly over both having reckless, mischievous, handfuls as mates. "So..what's so special about that one specific pinecone?" Snotlout asked.

"Tuff found it, Ruff took it," you explained matter-of-factly, "do they really ever need a better reason to fight?"

"True," Snotlout admitted. There was another short silence before he huffed, "we should probably step in before it gets worse."

"Yeah, probably," you agreed with an amused gurgle. Then, you padded daintily over to the two sand wraiths followed by Snotlout. Once near them, you flapped your wings a bit to get their attention.

Tuffnut immediately stopped what he was doing, whipping his head toward you joyously. "(Y/n)!" He shouted in greeting, ears perked happily.

But Ruffnut only took this as a chance to finally take her brother down. She knocked him back to the ground and stood over him with her front paws on his chest, keeping him in place. Tuff shot her a glare but finally gave up, looking away with an eye roll.

"Hah," Ruff snorted as she let Tuffnut up. She pranced proudly over to Snotlout, head held high. "Come on, Snotlout," she called with a grin, swishing her tail flirtatiously, "let's go to the Nest and call it a day."

The Nest was a ginormous tree in the center of the Dragon's Edge base (like where the club house would be). It's trunk was at least fifteen feet in diameter, and branches only sprouted from the very top. In the banches, at the center of the top, there was a shallow scoop in the tree, creating a wide opening sheltered on all sides by the branches. It was the safest place on the island and, therefore, was where many dragons chose to lay their eggs.

It was no secret that Ruffnut and Snotlout had an egg in waiting in the Nest. Snotlout often bragged about how he was going to be the first father in the team. Nor was it very secret that Tuffnut was bummed out every time the two dragons brought it up, since he and you had yet to have an egg of your own. Normally, you were too. But today was different.

You circled your mate with a bounce in your step, swishing your tail over his back and under his neck. He couldn't help but cheer up at your adorable action. "What up with you?" He asked with an amused gurgle, "last time I saw you like this was after an all-nighter and too much dragon-nip."

"Hey," you hissed at him threateningly for bringing up the embarrassing moment. You sighed and rolled your eyes, returning to your former giddy attitude. "I'm just in a good mood," you explained vaguely.

"Well, okay," Tuff accepted nuzzling your head lovingly, "as long as you're happy."

"Hey, Tuff," you began, "how about we go to the Nest, too? I wanna see how our little neice or nephew is coming along."

Tuffnut nodded and replied, "that's a great idea; I have so many name suggestions." You laughed at this, then the two of you flew up.

In the Nest, there were seven eggs at the time; it could easily hold twenty expecting dragons with eggs. Snotlout and Ruffnut were curled up together around a crimson and yellow egg. "But I get to name it if it's a boy?" Snotlout asked his mate excitedly.

"Sure, but it's not a boy," Ruff explained cockily, "I can feel it in my scales." She brushed a paw over the egg gently and sighed happily.

Tuffnut smiled for his sister as he approached. "Woah, how much longer?" He asked.

"Well, Flamenut has been moving around a lot more lately," Ruff answered, not taking her gaze off the egg.

"Uh, I believe you mean, Dustlout," Snotlout corrected suggestively, then added to Tuff, "shouldn't be too much longer."

"Sweet," Tuffnut replied coolly, "well, I can't wait to meet little Flamelout, or..Dustnut...Nutlout...." He trailed off awkwardly.

"It's Flamenut," Ruff hissed defensively.

"Right, that's what I meant," Tuff assured, taking a cautious step back. He decided it best not to make name suggestions after all. Then, noticing that you hadn't said a word since arriving, the sand wraith looked around to find you lying down on the opposite end of the Nest.

"(Y/n)?" He spoke questioningly and began to make his way over to you. But as he did so, you grinned at him and lifted your wing. Underneath was a coconut sized egg, colored tan and white with black dapples all over. Tuffnut gasped, eyes going wide as he froze where he was. "Is that..?" He then hopped the rest of the distance over to you, careful not to disturb the other eggs. "Oh my Thor, we're gonna have a little moon wraith!" He exclaimed excitedly.

You gurgled in laughter at his reaction. "It happened last night," you told him, "I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, this is the best surprise ever!" Tuffnut assure you, licking your forehead affectionately before lying down with you. He wrapped his tail around yours, the egg in between your bodies.

You laid you head softly on Tuff's front paws and closed your eyes. But he was wide awake, staring in joy at the small egg between you two. He gently turned it over with his wing, a purr growing deep in his throat. "We could call you Sandstar, or Starfish..maybe that's not good....Lunanut......" You fell asleep happily to Tuffnut's gentle voice as he voiced every single 'perfect name' that he could think of.


So I really like writing everyone as dragons. I might do a whole separate story where everyone is a dragon. Would y'all like that?

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