5. The Darkling High Commander's Lair

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I whirl back around to face him, eyes widening when I see his eyes closed again.

I swear I saw a flash of that familiar gold color. Was I just imagining it?

I stare at him hard for a few more seconds, before realizing that I'm wasting time standing around when I could be using it to fetch help.

I turn to go down the steps, when a noise stretches through the air, the sound low and similar to a rumble.

Before I can stop myself I'm spinning around for a second time, my head starting to feel light with all the twisting and turning I'm doing., but that's all irrelevant because once my eyes find Lager's form, I let out a rush of air through my mouth.

He's staring right at me.

"Lager." I breathe, rushing forward and kneeling in front of him, my eyebrows scrunched in concern. "Lager, what's wrong?"

He lets out the low, rumbling sound again, and this time I can tell it's coming from his chest. His eyes flutter briefly shut again, before snapping open, almost as if he's fighting to stay awake.

"Hold on, Lager." I say, jumping back up to my feet when I see the struggle he's putting up to just stay awake. "I'll go get a medic."

I take one huge step and leap down the stairs only for one word to stop me.


I freeze at the base of the stairs, slowly rotating on my heel to face him. 


"No." He croaks out in confirmation, his face looking extremely worn out as he raises a shaky arm to  prop himself up into  better sitting position.

"Why?" I say dumbly, watching him carefully and tensed in case I need to rush forward and catch him from falling off the throne.

"No one....must find out...". He grunts as his arm gives out and I rush forward, managing to make it up a few steps when he catches himself right before falling and pushes himself backwards into the chair more.

"Lager....are you sick?" I question, wondering if these are the symptoms for an illness on Dalton.

"Yes....but others don't get this kind of.....sick.....you have to promise, Ashley....you can't tell................anyone." By the time he gets to the last word his eyes are fluttering shut again.

"Lager!" I snap,making his eyes drowsily open again. "I can't just let you be like this! You need medical attention!"

"No, Ashley." He says, more force in his tone although it's still on the breathy side.

"Arg!" I growl, walking forward until I'm standing over him.

Now that I'm closer I can see the slight heave in his chest, the small pants leaving his mouth and skin covered in sweat.

"Lager..."I murmur, my aggravation draining away upon looking at his miserable form.  

I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath and drawing myself to a conclusion, before opening them again and making eye contact with Lager.

"Fine. I won't tell anyone."

He breathes a sigh of relief, his shoulders slumping, but he should know by now I'm not one to give up so easily.

"I won't tell anyone...," I continue, letting a small smirk slip onto my features, "But I have a condition."

I could swear I hear him mutter, "Of course she does," under his breath, but my ears might just be a little messed up.

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