18. Secret Motives

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My eyes creak open,momentarily blinded by the light streaming in through the room. 

The constant light is probably the one thing I won't miss from the Lightling territory once this mission is done and over with.


My eyes pop open and I sit up with a start, rubbing my eyes while my brain slowly kicks into gear.

I look around the room in a half-asleep daze, all the broken furniture replaced with exact imitations, Like End had never even entered. 


I think back to last night, the events that had taken place, and how after it all ended, I had stumbled up the winding stairs and back to my room, then fallen into the bed and snored until I woke up just a few seconds ago.

The glimpse I had seen before the doors had closed, the dark blue hair, is brought up to the front of my mind.

I had followed Lager down to that strange basement, only for him to disappear and End and the Lightling High Commander to show up instead. Then the glimpse of dark blue hair I'd seen. 

Is it possible that Lager had been in that chamber the entire time, watching the entire thing happen, maybe even spying?

Or was he supposed to be there, seeing how it was a ritual meant to balance the Darklings and Lightlings?


It seems a little.....okay REALLY odd that the flash of navy hair I had seen had been in the same place End was currently laying. 

I groan, putting a hand up to my forehead while using my other to push off the bed and stand on wobbly feet.

It's too early in the morning to think this hard. It could be I'm over-thinking this entire thing and it was as the Lightling Queen said. Lager was just End in disguise, and the flash of dark blue hair I'd seen had just been my imagination messing with me.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

I open it to find one of the servants of the Lucem Villa in their signature white robe standing there, folded clothes in in her hands.

"Breakfast will be held in ten minutes in the dining hall." She says softly while passing me the clothes, before turning and walking swiftly back down the hall before I have a chance to thank her.

I take a step back into my room, pushing the door closed with my hip while staring down at the clothes in my hands.

Right now I had on a black tank top and shorts that had basically been my uniform while in the Darkling Territory, and since I've got here it's all I've been wearing besides the times I've had to wash it, but the clothes in my hands now are the exact opposite of what I'd been wearing.

Pure white with a heavy cloak sitting on top of the folded clothes.

I look back at the door, wondering if maybe the different clothes I had been wearing were making me stand out a lot, and the Malia had sent these to help me fit in a little more.

Shrugging, I walk over to the bathroom and quickly shed my clothes, hopping into the shower and rushing so I can make it to breakfast on time. I towel off quickly and start putting on the white blouse with flowy sleeves and the equally loose pants to match.

I hold up the cloak, wondering whether I should put it on or not. Oh what the heck.

I fasten the clasp around my neck, turning a few times and looking in the mirror.

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