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"I've gathered you here today to make an announcement,"

I stand above my people. They've all gathered quickly to see this announcement. I swallow, hoping I won't regret this, "as you all know very well, my father Uther, had some... difficulty with magic. He has set laws to make magic and anyone who practices it illegal in Camelot. I'm here announcing this law is about to be changed. I'm no longer ignorant to the fact that yes, magic can be good. Banning it from the kingdom has only brought me, my family and my friends misfortune. There will however be some limitations. No practicing magic in the streets. No forging gold or other precious minerals with the use of magic. No harming anyone. If someone attacks you obviously it's your right to protect yourselves but please, refrain. I am sorry to everyone who was hurt or had their family hurt by this rule my father had. Please remember. I am not Uther. That will be all. Thank you." I take one last look down at the wide mouthed, astonished faces of my people below me before turning on my heel, my cape fluttering behind me. I hear Morgana and Merlin follow close behind.

Once were in my chambers I sigh heavily. Merlin starts to undo my armour. Morgana sits in a chair.

"Wow, I'm proud of you Arthur. But you didn't have to allow all magic into the kingdom because of me." She states warily.

"You're only half the reason." I state and quickly stop myself.

"Well then what's the other half?" She asks skeptically. I look at Merlin and he gives an obscure shrug.

"It's uhh. Magic should've been allowed a long time a-ago anyways and I-I uh you know." I trip over my words.

Morgana glares suspiciously at me but apparently decides not to push it, changing the subject.

"Anyways. About Sophie. And King James. Obviously I assume you know now..?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

I nod. She continues.

"Well in my... dream? Vision? I don't know what to call it but I saw her killing you. Before I had said stabbing you but the blade was glowing purple and blue. She had a wicked smile and her eyes were empty. She wasn't looking at anything...." She shivers.

"It was very disturbing." She squeaks meekly.

I nod. "You know I can't keep them from the kingdom. They're already on their way. Me and Merlin can handle them when everything happens though." I smirk at the thought of me and Merlin, fighting back to back.

Morgana raises an eyebrow again.

"No offense Merlin, but you're not really a fighter." She says shyly, clearly scared of offending Merlin.

He shakes his head an laughs, speaking for the first time since we got in my room.

"I can do a lot more then you think I can." He smiles innocently and takes off my last piece of armour.

Morgana flushes and smiles at him. I narrow my eyes but loosen up when I see Merlin dismiss himself, not giving Morgana another look.

What was that about?

I shake the thoughts away.

"Thank you Morgana." I nod dismissing her. She hovers slightly then nods back. Leaving.

I sigh and flop on my bed.


I sigh and walk into my room. Sitting on my bed. I stare at the wall, missing Gwen. I stand and walk over to my wardrobe, grabbing some bed robes. I quickly change. Wishing I had a new servant, I lay down under the covers and close my eyes, quickly falling into sleep.

I look down at a bruised and battered... Merlin?

He's tied to a post. I look around to see I'm in some kind of hut, a very familiar hut.

I look at Merlin's wrists to see nothing binding them. I gasp as I see his condition. He has a gash across his chest and various other cuts. His shirt soaked in blood, old and new. I look down at my hands. Still me...? I look different somehow. Suddenly I loose the ability to look about myself, and it looks as if I'm looking through the eyes of someone else, without any control.

I move towards a table, turning my back on Merlin. I look down at some potion in a glass bottle. I'm mixing things.

"What are you doing! Help him!" I try to shout at myself but my mouth doesn't open. I hear a yell, filled with pain from behind me. I turn and I find myself looking at the angry, glaring face of Merlin....

"I see you're awake Merlin. Like the bindings? They're magic, and they'll only hurt you if you try to escape them. The rope burn on your wrists is tremendous and we don't want you too damaged. Arthur won't be pleased when he sees his little servant dead either so let's try not to get you killed." I hear my voice say.

I gasp, sitting up in bed, covered in sweat. Is that going to happen? Why would I ever hurt Merlin!?


Sorry for the short chapter. And that it took so long. WattPad was being a total douche and I couldn't update. And 😱 cliffhanger?! hahahah. Thanks for reading.

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