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I rush down to the physicians chambers. . Beating Gaius there, I decide I should probably go to bed.

I trudge up to my room and plop on my bed. Laying down, I look out the window at the shining full moon.

Pulling the blankets up over me, I close my eyes and attempt to sleep.

After about 10 minuets of me tossing and turning, I sit up. Maybe I should take a walk? No those always turn out awful.

I sigh and lay back down, pulling my pillow over my head.

I'm not even tired. I honestly don't know why I passed out like that but it's no big deal. And what's with Morgana?

Is she remembering? That would be awful. Maybe she would be better though? I don't know. She was bad. Awful.

I find my eyes closing on their own and I realize I must be pretty tired. I sigh and allow sleep to take me.


I look nervously after Merlin and then back down the hall to make sure no ones seen what just happened.

I sigh as I walk back into the main room. I wish I didn't have to hide me and Merlin. It would be so much easier. I know he would want that too... too bad no one would accept their king as a gay man. Especially with a servant.

I scoff at myself. I hate that word. Merlin's always been a friend, not a servant.

Sure he cleans and stuff but if he didn't I wouldn't care. I've offered to get an actual servant but Merlin says it would look suspicious and he likes the excuse to hang out with me.

I blush at that though as I scurry into the meeting room.

"Sire, I'm sure we can speak further about this at a later date but may I be excused? I suppose I should check on Merlin." Gaius asks me politely.

"Of course Gaius. Make sure he's well. I don't think well need to speak further about this. The plan shall be carried through if need be. You all know what you have to do. This meeting is dismissed. Caden, talk to Gawaine if you're confused about anything. Also, training for tomorrow will be held an hour later than usual." I nod at them and turn to leave.

I make my way to my room. Plopping on my bed and sighing. I find my eyes closing before I even lay down and sleep comes easy.


I sit in bed for a while, finding it hard to get to sleep, which is unusual. Usually I just can't stay asleep. I think back to my previous dream, the one that had seemed so real. Closing my eyes, I think of Merlin. And the strange gash above his forehead...

"Let me go Morgana. I don't know what you want from me but I'm just a servant. Arthur won't come after me either. You might as well kill me. Holding me for ransom will only get you disappointment." Merlin mutters angrily.

I look around to realize I'm in the same hut as before. I snap back to attention to hear my own angry voice.

"Kill you? Even if Arthur doesn't come, you're a warlock. I could use you. You could serve me Merlin. We could become powerful. You and me. Together. We could take over Camelot and I can gain the throne that's rightfully mine." I says, turning to face him and kneeling in front of him.

I feel myself smirk. And then Merlin spits in my face.....

I gasp, sitting up in bed, covered in a steady gloss of sweat and panting.

This is so vivid. So real...

So how come I can't remember it..?


Sorry this chapter is kinda scattered with the point of views. I know it's been forever since I've updated and I LOVE all the comments and votes. You guys are awesome. Ilysm<33

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