date [fem-reader]

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[ requested prompt! hope you enjoy ]


Soft itchy grass touched her as she lay in the grass under a big leaf maple tree. The air was thin and the breeze was cool, the sky was orange filled with blue hues. It was one of the most peaceful Fridays to spend outside in the golden hour, her lungs felt free as the cold air seeped in and seeped out.

"Hey," she heard his voice from behind. [Y/N] turned her head to face the brown haired smiling boy.

"Hey," she responded, giving him a smile of her own. He sat down next to her, grabbing her hand reluctantly. "Don't be afraid Sean, I like it when you hold my hand," she said, squeezing his hand slightly.

"I know I know...thank you," he faced his lap, seeming to be thinking. "Hey, [Y/N], how about we go on a date? Like a real one? No more drive-thru Wendy stops, no more cheap picnics, or window shopping. A real date. I'm so thankful you were patient with me all this time, money's been tight, but I saved enough to take you out," he faced towards [Y/N] smiling brightly and proudly. [Y/N] could feel her face heat up by his proposition. Of course it disappointed her that they stuck to small and cheap fast food restaurants and junk food picnics, but she didn't honestly care what they were doing, as long as it was him. But now was her chance to have fun with him.

"Sean, that sounds wonderful! Where would you like us to go?" She beamed at him with the most powerful and breathtaking smile and jumped slightly, full of excitement.

"I was thinking the amusement always talk about loving the thrill of roller coasters and the sweets, right? I was hoping that we could do that, what do you think? It's only going to be here this weekend." Sean smirked at his smart thinking, proud at the bewilderment and amazement in her eyes.

"I can't believe this! I can't wait! What time?" she smiled brightly once more.

"I'll pick you up at 5:30, sound good?" He leaned closer to [Y/N] giving her a long and soft kiss on the cheek.

"Mhm..." she trailed off, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of him being so close.

"I'll see you later," he said, walking off soon after.


[Y/N] stood and looked at herself thoughtfully in the mirror. Her outfit complimented her eyes and curves, and perfectly casual for the occasion. She checked her phone, noticing it was only two minutes away from 5:30. She packed a small backpack full of snacks and sprays incase she got a bit sweaty.

She then heard an affirmative knock on the door, and she excitedly skipped to the door with her backpack on and cell phone in hand. [Y/N] opened the door and saw her smiling boyfriend standing outside, hand extended for hers. She happily took it and stepped outside with him, closing and locking the door as you did. Sean pulled you into a hug, his head resting in the crook of your neck as he placed soft kisses. She giggled from the ticklish kisses and pushed him away playfully. He squeezed your hand tightly and both of them began walking to the amusement park.

The walk was full of the sweet sound of birds and leaves crunching under their feet. Occasionally they'd talk about school, or compliment their appearances. [Y/N] could see the quick but studious glances he gave to her, scanning every part of her body. She smiled to herself, doing the same back to him. They soon reached the amusement park that would only last the weekend before the event was over. Sean purchased tickets from the booth and ran towards the first thing he saw, dragging [Y/N] behind him; teacups. Personally, she didn't like the ride considering the fact she wanted to vomit constantly. But, anything for Sean.

The two of them got seated in a rusty yellow teacup, both placing their hangs on the black wheel in the middle. Sean smirked up at [Y/N], already getting ready to start the challenge to be the only teacup spinning fast as light. Once the buzzer went off and the ride began moving, she instantly lost her grip on the wheel, because Sean was turning it like a madman. She quickly became smashed against him from losing the grip, feeling her whole body being pressed against him. His body felt so warm, so instead of continuing to try and spin the wheel, [Y/N] wrapped her arms around him, snuggling close to him and closing her eyes. Sean suddenly took his hands off, and she could feel his eyes on her. Soon, she felt arms around her, as they both snuggled up against each other while the ride went on.

Once the ride ended, you opened your eyes and took Sean's hand, exiting the ride. Once out, he turned to face [Y/N], and she noticed the small blush on his face. He looked like he wanted to say something, but they were stuck in his throat. What really took her by surprise is the soft and extremely fast kiss on her lips. It was over in a blink, and he was already dragging her to the next ride. She noticed the way he hid his face, and she could see his red ears due to the short hair. [Y/N] smiled, feeling like her heart would jump out of her body. She felt warm.

The next ride was of course bumper cars, being the big kid that Sean Diaz is, he couldn't resist. [Y/N] picked out a rusty green kart, strapping herself in, and glared playfully at Sean. The other people consisted of young mom and little kids, as they were preparing for the havoc that was going to happen soon. Once the bumper cars were given access to move, Sean and [Y/N] zoomed straight towards each other. They both laughed wildly and crazy as they crashed into each other. They both bolted forward with such strong force and laughed hard at their stupidity. They swerved around each other, [Y/N] trying to run away from Sean's attempts to crash into her again.


[Y/N] ate the last part of her hotdog, wiping her mouth after swallowing. She looked over at Sean, who was eating his food like a dog. She laughed and wiped his mouth once he was finished. He said a small thank you and picked up their trash, throwing it in the garbage can. At this time, it had gotten dark and the stars began to show themselves. Sean came back and grabbed her hand, slightly pulling [Y/N] towards him. She turned to Sean, paying attention to him.

"Hey...[Y/N], I was wondering if we could go on the Farris Wheel," he looked to the side, blushing. She smiled at his cuteness, wondering why he was so nervous.

"Of course!" She pulled him slightly, making him snap out of his trance while walking towards the giant wheel. They stepped in slowly as the ride attendant held the door open for them. They sat adjacent to each other, Sean putting his arm around you. They got high above the ground when Sean grabbed her chin and made her face him.

Instead of saying anything at all, he leaned in, putting his lips onto [Y/N]'s. This time, it wasn't quick or light. It was a kiss that felt like she just melted into. He was so warm, and the kiss was so relaxing. His mouth was moist, making it even softer. Soon, he placed his hand on [Y/N]'s cheek, and his other on her back, pulling her in deeper. When they parted, their breaths were uneven, and both had flushed faces. That's when [Y/N] noticed they were at the top, seeing the starry night and beautiful city lights.

"Sean look! It's so pretty," she smiled down, looking at the city as her hair blowed around from the wind.

"It really is, huh?" Sean said. [Y/N] turned and noticed that Sean wasn't looking at the city at all, but at her. She felt her cheeks get even more red as she learned he was talking about her. She looked in his eyes and leaned into him once more, placing her lips onto his.

He kissed back once again.


• 1,455 words
not edited

yall I know this is late and probably poor writing considering it's on my phone, but I got inspired and I just had to finish writing this. Thank you for requesting!

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