work [ fem-reader ]

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The green uniform, despite how it looked, was actually comfortable and light on her skin. She clipped her name tag on the chest pocket of her shirt and look at herself in the mirror. She tried to get rid of all the nerves as best she could before she would waltz into the doors of Z-Mart.

[Y/N] couldn't lie, she was nervous. It was her first day of her new job, since her last didn't go too well. Her boss turned out to be an extreme pervert, which was a big red flag. She took one last glance, making sure every strand of hair was perfect. She wouldn't mess this up. [Y/N] gathered her things, which only consisted of her phone, earbuds, and a small backpack instead of a purse. She stepped out of her room, seeing her mother peacefully eating a twinkie while watching the news.

"Off to the scary new place?" she asked, without looking at her daughter.

"Haha, mhm," she replied simply. [Y/N]'s mother was a very easy-going person, which was surprising as she was only seen wearing pencil skirts and fancy blouses outside of the house. Her mother gave a small laugh back, returning her full attention to the screen. [Y/N] put in her earbuds and began her walk to her new job.


The cold air of the little super market immediately hit her skin, which caused [Y/N] to shiver. The tile was a yellow-green, that matched with the shelves that hold the items. The store was quite cute and small, and [Y/N] thought it wasn't hard imagining having a good job here. [Y/N] headed over to her bosses office, seeing him in, once again, a green polo and a all-black tie.

"Good morning [Y/N]. I hope you're ready for today! Now let's see..." Jamie, her boss, shuffled through some paperwork, pushing his silver glasses up his nose. "The person that'll train you is...Sean Diaz!" he said, excited. He wrote some notes down with a black pen, then placing it on his desk and looking at [Y/N]. "He's one of our nicest worker we have! Around your age guys would be really good friends! Follow me," he said, getting up from his leather chair and guided her to her potential new friend.

"Oh hey boss? This her?" said a boy with chocolate brown hair. [Y/N] had been led to a green and yellow register, where the boy was stationed. When her eyes met his, she felt her heart beat just a tad faster and her face heat up. He has the most fucking prettiest eyes I've ever seen.

"Mhm! [Y/N], this is Sean, Sean this is [Y/N]!" Jamie said, patting Sean's back roughly. [Y/N] could see that they were close friends. He must of worked here a long time.

"It's nice to meet you!" Sean smiled sweetly and she could feel herself becoming a puddle of blushes from his actions, which were barely anything. But just enough to make her heart go crazy.

"Likewise..." her gaze shifted towards the floor as she felt if they kept making eye contact she'd die.

"Alright Sean, I trust you to train her well. Don't let me down!" Jamie left to his office, leaving [Y/N] alone with Sean.

"Okay, [Y/N. Let's start off with how the cash register works."


It had been a couple of weeks since [Y/N] had started her new job. It had become increasingly harder to not flirt or get heated cheeks when she was around her co-worker, Sean. She could see the way that he would steal small glances at her, and he would see her do the same thing. It was torture. Not one of them could step forward and make a move.

When [Y/N] clocked into work, she stationed herself at a closed register and waited until the store opened.

"Good morning," Sean said, coming up from the other side of the register.

"Oh...hi Sean!" she smiled at his presence. God those eyes.

" I was wondering if you'd like to grab some grub for our break?" his gaze shifted from the floor to your eyes quickly, while he rubbed the back of his neck due to him being on his toes. [Y/N] could feel herself having a heart attack from this boy's cuteness, and she didn't know how long she could last.

"T-That um...that sounds great," she smiled towards the ground and felt her whole body become heated. She tried to make it stop but it only made it worse. Sean looked at her and smirked proudly before walking off to stock the produce.


Words couldn't describe how love-stuck [Y/N] felt. She watched as the boy put lemons on display. Her eyes flickered to his hands and his lips that were in a pout of confusion. She wanted to touch them.

Soon the store opened and an array of customers came in. [Y/N] put on a smile, getting a few compliments from satisfied customers. Some flirted, some snarled, just the usual. [Y/N] didn't hesitate to look over at Sean though. He looked so damn cute in his uniform, and even cuter when he frantically tried to calm some of the customers. [Y/N] loved the way he's scratch his chin every time he was focused on something. The site of his messy brown hair after hauling a box of milk cartons across the store made her heart flutter. Being around Sean made [Y/N] feel completely high.

Once their break came, both Sean and [Y/N] met up in the break room. "So? Where are we goin'?" she asked, leaning on the nearest wall while looking at Sean's eyes. This is gonna drive me mad.

"I was thinking that burger joint around the corner. You know what I'm talking about?" Sean got walked over to her, and rubbed his nose.

"Yeah, sounds good!" she stood straight up and walked with Sean, exiting the small market and headed to eat greasy fried food. It was an extremely short walk considering the burger joint was adjacent to their market. When they walked in, an old lady was working the register behind the plastic-granite counter.

"What can I get for you two?" she said, tapping the electronic screen in front of her. Sean looked over at [Y/N], motioning her to order first. She nodded, and walked up to the counter and ordered her favorite fast-food meal. Sean smirked at her order before going up to the counter himself and ordering a giant burger with fries. They waited patiently for their food, and grabbed it once their names were called. They sat in a booth, Sean being directly opposite of where [Y/N] was.

Sean took a big bite out of his burger, wiping the remaining ketchup off his face. He put his burger down and looked up at [Y/N]. "So, uhmmm. I'm just gonna come out and say it since it's eating me up. I really...I really like...I really like you [Y/N]. A lot. You've been on my mind so much and I wanted to tell you for a while," he said, looking at his lap. [Y/N] felt herself tingle and become completely hot from his words. What the fuck?

"I-uh, I-Um..." [Y/N] tried to find the words to express that she felt the same way, but they didn't come out.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I understand." Sean picked up his burger and began eating again, avoiding eye contact. She could see the tips of his ears were burning. Why couldn't I just say something? What's wrong with me? As her mouth refused to work, her body did. She got up from her spot, walking over to to Sean's side of the booth. She sat next to him, leaving no personal space between him. [Y/N] saw Sean swallow, and dropped his burger as he was frozen from the closeness. [Y/N] places her hands on the sides of his face, and pulled them towards each other. She planted a soft but deep kiss on his lips, closing her eyes slowly. She could feel her heart pound in her chest.

She eventually pulled away and smiled. "I like you too," [Y/N] finally said, mentally high-fiving herself. Sean just had his mouth open, staring widely at her, cheeks flushed. [Y/N] laughed softly and gave him another soft his on the lips.

1,149 words
•not edited

Sorry if these endings are too abrupt :{

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