Not Really

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Lisa falls.


With the way Jennie talks, the way she thinks, the way she carries herself, and just exists .

It’s inevitable, really, because Jennie is there with her every step of the way and Lisa just swoons when the shorter girl so much as looks in her general direction.

Jennie claims Lisa as her best friend not long after meeting her, not only because Lisa is talented and adorable, but because they just click and there’s something about Lisa that makes Jennie feel at peace; at home.

Their friendship grows, the roots of it tangles with their veins and seeps into their blood; ever present.

It isn’t until one day, several months later, when Jennie mentions something about her lifelong best friend, Chahee, returning to Seoul, that Lisa feels like her world has tilted off its axis.

She thought Jennie was her best friend.

Only hers.

Something about the way Jennie says the other girl’s name lets her know that she is no longer the priority.

She is no longer the one and only .

They train and practice, spending nearly every waking second together, except on their free days. Because, on their free days, Jennie wants to spend her time with Chahee and no one else.

On their free days Lisa is no longer Jennie’s number one, Chahee is.

Lisa doesn’t complain or throw a tantrum; she takes it day by day. She gladly soaks up every single second she gets to spend with the smaller brunette and revels in their every moment together.

She stores the memories of Jennie’s precious gummy smiles in her mind’s eye, to treasure them and never forget how her heart stutters at the sight.

The years go by and Lisa gets used to it. Being second to Chahee is nothing but an ever present dull ache in the back of her mind; it’s bearable.

The real problem arises one fateful day, when the members are all hanging out together on a girl’s night, just days before their official debut as Blackpink. They choose to stay in after considering the overcast sky and the high chance of a sudden downpour.

“I dare you to spin the bottle and kiss the person it points to when it stops,” Jisoo says with the largest grin on her face -- she’s already well into her sixth drink of the night.

Lisa, ever the person to take on a dare and fulfill it with the utmost determination, does just as she is told. She snatches up one of the empty bottles of alcohol they have laying around and spins it as everyone finishes settling down into their spots around the small coffee table.

It lands on none other than Jennie Kim and suddenly everything is moving in slow motion because all Lisa notices is the pink tint high on Jennie’s cheeks and the way the older girl licks at her red lips. Her heart starts to hammer painfully against her chest and Lisa realizes that she has never felt so anxious in her entire life when their eyes finally meet.

It’s just a dare.

It’s just a dare.

Just a dare , she continues to chant in her head.

She leans forward and chickens out at the last second, aiming for Jennie’s cheek rather than her lips.

“Ah-ah!” Jisoo stops her before her lips connect with Jennie’s warm cheek.

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