
18.6K 908 257

saturday 1:27am

not delivered

unblock meh
not delivered

im bored :((
not delivered




And you should know
that when someone
blocks you, he doesn't
see what you text him,

no matter how many
messages you send.

shit u right

yk im not really used to
someone blocking me, i
mean who would block
this perfect face


ur actually the first one lmao

I'm surprised nobody has
blocked you before, you're
such a douchebag.

those are strong words
u got there mate

idk whos mean now

It's still you lol

holy shit u said 'lol'

aND u forgot the dot at
the end of the sEnTeNcE.


Do you want to catch
this block again? >:(


dont leave me

im hungry and lonely,
even minhoe has left

hes probably eating one
of his yummy cakes ;-;

Please don't use this
emoji, it reminds me
of Jisung.

And you should eat
something when
you're hungry.

yeah but i want
minhoes cake

he always brings them
back when he comes back
from korea every weekend

Wait, he comes here
every weekend??

well yeah, hes a rich hoe

but he usually goes there
to visit his family bcs his
mom has some health
issues but idk much

he doesnt really like to
talk about it


I'm sorry to hear that.

anYway back to the cakes...


Y'all this isn't kpop related, but I'm writing a freaking important test on wednesday and I'm honestly so stressed out bcs it'll affect my grades a lot.

That's why I haven't been updating much lately *cough* I haven't been updating at all *cough*. I had to study a lot and stuff but after wednesday things will get better and I'll be more active (yay).

I love y'all so much, you don't even know how your comments cheer me up and make my day when I'm stressed up or sad :') <33

Thank you for hearing me out (not that you had a choice lol) and see you soon uwu


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