70. (extra)

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Hyunjin glanced at the clock. It was past midnight when he heard the front door close.

He lazily got up and leaned against the kitchen doorframe. "You're home already?"

Minho turned around as if he just noticed him. "Oh hi, yeah, I'm back."

"How was your first dAte? Did y'all kiss?"

Minho didn't reply but his face said everything, he blushed heavily.

Hyunjin grinned. Minho was two years older than him but he was shy and had little experience in relationships.

Hyunjin had to give him a two-hour presentation about what to do and what not to do before he left.

"Yeah, it was great. I'd like to do it again someday."

"You can, I mean if y'all officially dating."

"But are we?"

Hyunjin facepalmed. This boy was a lost cause. Not that his case was much better at the moment.

He liked that boy, Seungmin, but in real life, they hadn't met yet. Hell, he didn't even know how he looked like.

Not that it mattered that much. He was done with all these pretty boys and girls with fake personalities.

Seungmin was sometimes a bit cold and mean but at least he was real. Honesty was something Hyunjin always appreciated.

Still, he was a bit stressed about tomorrow.

Hyunjin had no idea where to go since he was in Seoul for the first time and the only thing he knew was the way from the airport to Minho's house.

The next morning came and Hyunjin got up quite early. He took the subway through the city and ended up in a nice neighborhood. There were many houses but he knew what number to look for.

He stood in front of the door for a while and then rang the doorbell.


Seungmin had been awake since six in the morning because Jisung, that annoying best friend of his, called him and told him all the details of his first date.

He was so hyped and happy that even Seungmin had no heart to shut him up. He was constantly squealing and running about how was Minho so handsome and amazing.

Seungmin thought, that he was going to lose his ears. Luckily, the call took only an hour, then Jisung wished him a happy birthday and went to sleep.

However, Seungmin couldn't fall asleep. Not only it was already daylight, but he also kept thinking about someone.

'If Minho is in Korea, shouldn't that mean that Hyunjin is here too? But he didn't text nor call since Thursday. That was two days ago.' Seungmin frowned.

He didn't want to cause a scene like last time, when Hyunjin was offline for a day because he dropped his phone.

Seung was lying on the bed, his mind wandering God knows where, when he heard the doorbell ring.

'Hm, that's weird. Jeongin and Jisung usually come in the afternoon. Now, who might that be.'

He didn't even bother to put on casual clothes, he just got up and went downstairs.

The doorbell was ringing and ringing. Seungmin grew annoyed. He peeked through the hole in the door.

There was a tall youth standing there, Seungmin couldn't quite see his face since there was too much light.

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