Break ins & Break downs

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It was now free period. You could find most with the free hour getting a head start on their homework in the Great Hall. She and Draco were watching one of the Gryffs who seemed to be trying to blow himself up as they waited for the mail.

Sure enough a loud explosion sounded through the hall. Best to leave spells to the professionals. The screech of owls announced the arrival of the mail. She watch with glee as the owls dove and swooped finding their recipients. She spotted Apollo heading towards them and tapped Draco. He looked from his conversation with Blaise. Her point had him looking up just in time to catch the care package she was sure was from her godmother.

There were two letters and a medium size parcel. Draco handed her the letter addressed to her and began tearing into the package. It was obvious which of the two things belonged to. For Draco there was a stash of all his favorite sweets. For Angel there was a new jewelry set, hair combs, and a lovely new perfume that had been released the day before. Her godmother made sure she was always up to date on fashion and beauty.

She saw Longbottom had been sent a Rememberal. It was quite a pointless object in her opinion. It told you that you had forgotten something without telling you what you had forgotten. She should really look into making a proper version of that in her free time.

She opened the letter from Aunt Cissy. It said how much she missed them and gave information on her new possessions. She briefly mentioned how they were considering moving banks with a recent break in at Gringotts. Well that was interesting. As far as Angel knew that had never been achieved before. It was supposed to be the safest place in the wizarding world. She would need to speak to her dad about this.

She looked towards the Head Table and noticed her father. "Dad? Could I talk to you during next hour?" The rest of the first years were heading to flying class so she wouldn't be joining. Her dad nodded and went back to speaking to Uncle Filius.

After she and Draco parted ways she headed toward the dungeons and her dads office. She knocked this time and waited for his answer. "Come in Angel." She pushed the door open and made her way inside. Her dad was sat at his desk and seemed to be grading a quiz from an upper year. He glanced up. "What can I help you with my lovely daughter?" She simply grabbed a stack of papers and helped him grade the theory paper. He smiled and didn't say a word.

"What do you know about the break in at Gringott's?" She asked quietly. "I don't know what you mean." He said never looking up. She sat her quill down and stared at him. "You and I both know only two wizards could break into that bank. One was in his office and the other..." Her dad sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I've taught you entirely too well." She smiled taking that for the compliment it was.

He braced his arms on the desk and looked at his daughter. "You're right. It was the Dark Lord's attempt. We were lucky however and had retrieved what he was after earlier that day." She sat in shock. Having her fears confirmed was quite terrifying. Her eyes teared up at the thought that monster had enough consciousness to preform a break in. Her dad came around his desk and took her hands. "You listen to me Angelica Marlene Snape. He is not back yet. He is a shadow that while troublesome is not a threat at this time. What he was looking for has been brought into the school and guarded by every professor here."

He tipped her chin up forcing her to look into his eyes. "Have I ever, even once, let anything bad happen to you?" He asked in a very serious tone. Angel sniffed hearing this truth. "No, Sir. Not once." He wiped the tears from his daughters cheeks. "Then you have no reason not to trust me. And I'll promise you this...if there is anything that might compromise your safety, you will be the first to know after myself." She smiled and nodded. Her father never lied to her so she knew for now she truly was safe.

She wanted to talk to Draco and get his thoughts on this as well. They spent the rest of the class period quietly grading quizzes. Angel was amazed at how many 5th years couldn't seem to answer most of the quiz. Her hand was cramping from marking wrong answers with red ink. Her father laughed when he saw his daughter taking a break to shake out the muscles in her hand. "I think that enough for you for today. Thank you for helping me with these I would have been up very late. Now flying class is about to end why don't you head to the common room to meet up with your classmates."

When Draco came into the common room not long after her he was in a beast of a mood. Blaise caught her up on the events of their previous class. So Draco had inadvertently gotten Potter on the Quidditch team. That had to be a huge blow to Draco's pride. She waited for her friend to wind down before attempting to get through to him.

He had stopped pacing and was sulking on the couch when she decided to diffuse this. "Dragon? I'm sorry class didn't go the way you had hoped. There's no way that Potter is half the seeker that you are. He's probably just a charity case because of his name. That had to be his first time on a broom. Imagine what will happen when he plays against Slytherin." By the end of her speech Draco had a smile on his face just as she had hoped. Blaise say quietly forgotten about and watched the interaction.

"Thanks, Angel. I'm just so tired of Saint Potter already." He said with a huff. She nodded knowing what he meant. "Well hurry and grab your Charms book we have to get moving!" Draco looked at the clock and made a run for his dorm to do just that. Blaise stood to do the same. "I don't know what you said to him but thank you. He's been insufferable since he heard. You two will make a great couple one day." With that he was up the stairs.

Angel sat gaping. She didn't see Draco like that, right?

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