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Matt angrily stomped to Tord. Tord looked at Matt with maybe interest, and.. fear..? I could just be curiosity. Matt was seething with fury.

"Tord you bastard! I have always stood by, and watched you and Tom fight, and I thought you could handle it! Haven't you seen him?! Tom is a mess right now! He wasn't even fighting back! Didn't you see how he sat back, and took it? He did not do anything to you! I will not stand by and watch you attack my friend like this! Leave. Him. Alone." Matt said pointing a finger in Tord's face.

Tord sat in silence. He didn't know what to say.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go help my best friend. You. Are. Disgusting." Matt said. He quickly walked to Tom's room, and slammed the door.

"..Wow.." Tord said. Edd looked at Tord.

"Y'know Tord, just because we're dating, I'm not taking your side in this. That was a sucky thing to do." Edd said. He was slightly disappointed in Tord, but he wasn't going to ignore him. Edd hugged Tord.

"Now, I'm not gonna hug you at all until you apologize to Tom, and Matt."

"What? Why do I have to apologize to Matt?" Tord asked, hugging Edd.

"You insulted his friend. Did you know they've been like- best friends, since like forever?" 

"Really? Huh.. Okay, I'll apologize to them.. later.." Tord said, smiling. He kissed Edd. Edd smiled, and kissed him back. Edd suddenly broke from the kiss. Tord looked at him, confused.

"I'm still mad at you." Edd said, smiling.

Over in Tom's room, Tom wasn't going to calm down any time soon. Matt had his arms around Tom tightly. Matt hated to see Tom sad, but that's what's been happening a lot lately. Matt had tears in his own eyes.

"T-Tom, look, now I'm crying!" Matt spoke softly, smiling. Tom laughed through his tears. Matt always knew how to cheer him up. The two were like brothers. 

"S-Sorry Matt, yo-u must b-e r-really sick o-f me by no-w." Tom said stuttering, and trying to catch his breath. Matt smiled, letting the tears flow down his face.

"Come on Tom, y-you know I could never be sick of you." Matt said. Tom smiled, and wrapped his arms around Matt tightly. 

"You're like a brother to me, y'know? You're always there for me, and no matter what I do, you're always there." Tom said, finally calming down. Matt smiled.

"Likewise. One of your new nicknames is going to be petit frére now. Y'know what that means?" Matt asked, looking at Tom. Tom looked up at him with wide eyes, and shook his head 'no' Matt laughed quietly.

"It means 'little brother' in French. I've been trying to learn that recently, did you know that?" Tom laughed, rubbing his eyes free of tears.

"How much do you know?"

"Je sais un peu, pointu." Matt said, looking down at Tom confidently.

"Will you tell me what you said?" Tom said, smiling convincingly. Matt shook his head 'no'. Tom gasped dramatically.

"Pleaseeee?" Tom begged. Matt sighed.

"I can almost never say no to you, petit frére. It means 'I know quite a bit, spiky.'" Matt said, laughing. Tom hit Matt playfully.

"Thanks for cheering me up, Matt. i have to go clean up all that glass now." Tom said, sighing. Matt nodded.

"If you need anything else, call me."

"Ringy Dingy." Tom said putting a 'hang loose' sign up to his ear, to look like a telephone. Matt giggled, and left.

Tom walked out of his room, and into the hall, where all the glass was. Tom picked up the biggest shards first, putting them into his shirt. He then went to the smaller shards. He felt a sharp pain in his pointer finger. He brought his finger up to his face, where a small glass shard was in his finger. He had no trouble getting it out, but it was bleeding. 

Tom fascinated, watched the darker blood slowly run down his finger. Interesting. Just then, Tord walked up to Tom. He crouched down, to be eye level with Tom. He unwrapped the small band-aid, and put it on Tom's injured finger.

"Um... sorry.." Tord said quietly. Tom stared at Tord, and he felt sudden heat rushing to his face. he quickly looked back down at the glass. 

"Uh. Thanks." Tom said, picking up more shards of glass. Tord rolled his eyes, and stood up. He came back a minute later, with a dust pan, and a small handheld broom.

"You're just going to get cut again if you pick it up like that." Tord said, sweeping the glass into the tray. Tord got finished quickly, and walked to dump all of the glass into the trash can. Tom watched him walk away.

What a kind gesture.

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