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Tom woke up, and immediately noticed that Tord wasn't there. Tom sat up and looked around. The time was 'Six twenty seven' in the morning.
He rubbed his eyes, and got up. He walked into the kitchen, and saw Tord, cooking. Tom smiled, and quietly walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around Tord, smiling.

"I caught you." Tom said, muffled into the back of Tord's shirt. Tord smiled, stirring around the bacon he was making.

"Yep, you sure did." He didn't take his attention off of the bacon. Tom smiled. Tord was his, can you believe it?

"Hey, do you want to do something today?" Tord asked. He took the bacon out of the pan, and put it on a paper towel. He could feel Tom nod against his back. Tord hugged Tom, and picked up the paper towel, walking to the table. Tom let go, finally, and walked with him. They sat at the table.

"Let's go to the park." Tom said. He put his head on the table, smiling. Now that he and Tord were dating, he was a lot more smiley.

"Alright. When do you wanna leave?" Tord asked, as he picked up a piece of bacon.

"After breakfast?" Tom suggested. Tord nodded. Tom folded his arms on the table, and put his head in his arms. He was probably about to fall asleep again. Tord smiled, admiring Tom. He's so lucky.

After breakfast, Tom and Tord walked to the park. It wasn't that far anyways. They walked, hand in hand. It had gotten warmer, so there wasn't a need for jackets, and all of the snow had melted. It was a nice, warm day.

There were other families, walking around with their children. There was a small playground, with at least twelve children running around and laughing. Tom smiled, and sped up a bit with Tord, so they could get to the spot quicker. It would give them a bit more solitude from the cheerful children and the smiling parents. Although it is nice, Tom wanted the two to be alone for a bit.

"What's the rush, love? We've got all day to be together." Tom slowed down just a bit. Tord smiled, kissing Tom's forehead. Tom smiled as well, and brought their hands up to his face, and lightly kissed Tord's.

"I just want us to be alone for a bit. It seems that the only time we're ever alone, is at night, and I wanted to change it up a bit. But I guess you're right, there's no hurry." Tom said. Tord nodded. This time he sped up a bit, just for Tom.

There was a tree in the distance, a bit father than the others. That's where they were going. Tord sat down, gently pulling Tom down with him. They sat, leaning against the tree, still holding hands. Tord sighed, smiling.

"Tom you're one of the best things that's happened to me. I really do feel sorry for Edd, but it just didnt feel right." Tom squeezed Tords hand reassuringly. He smiled, with a quiet sigh.

"I know you feel bad for him, you tell me often. I still love you." Tord kissed Tom on the cheek, making Tom blush, and cover his cheek with his free hand. Tord smiled, chuckling quietly. 'Adorable.' He thought.

Tom laid down on the grass, pulling Tord down with him. Now they were gazing at the clouds. They were still hand-in-hand. Tom smiled, closing his eyes. He could hear the slight breeze rustling the leaves on the tree. He could hear the chirp of birds in the distance. But most importantly, he could hear Tord, telling Tom which clouds looked like objects and animals. He smiled, opening his eyes.

For once, Tom was happy.

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