Chapter 8

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Jiwoon was fast asleep after he took showered. He looked sleepy when you took him from his nanny with Jungkook. You were being nice asking Jungkook to come to your house but he politely refused saying he had something to do. But you knew that he was shy to come as you saw his flustered face when you invited him. You didn't asked further respecting him. 

You quickly washed the dishes after you dine before went back to your room to sleep.


Jungkook was relaxing himself on the bed when his phone rang. He looked at the screen before he answered.

"Yeah hyung."

"Are you at home?"

"Yeah. I just went back straight after I sent Y/n at her home." Jungkook heard the other person gasped.

"You sent her back? Wow, this is the first time I heard you send your secretary back home." The other person laughed after he said. 

"Is that wrong Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook asked annoyed.

"No. It's not. I actually like it. It's look like you have made some progress."

"What progress?"

"Being nice to women."

"I'll be nice to a woman if she's nice." Jungkook stated firmly.

"So Y/n is a nice woman, I see." 

"Enough hyung, why are you calling?" Jungkook asked ignoring Taehyung's teasing.

"Just asking if you want to join me to have a drink." Jungkook thought for a while. He didn't feel to sleep now. It was still early. But he was too lazy to go out. Somehow he had other ideas that might interest Taehyung.

"Hyung. Come to my house. We'll have a drink plus movie watching."

"Huh. Seems nice. What kind of movie?"

"Avengers: Infinity War."

"Woo. Okay. Can I invite Hyunjoo Hyung too?"

"Sure. The more the merrier." Jungkook quickly went to his living room to setup the movie after hang up the phone. Then, he went to the kitchen took out the beers and snacks and brought them to the coffee table in front of the seat. He looked for the movie selections and settled down after he done. He opened a can of beer and sipped it when he heard his door bell rang.

He went to the front door and opened it without hesitation. Then, came in Taehyung with two big plastic bags smiling widely to him. He went back to his seat followed by Taehyung. 

"I bought some snacks." he said.

"That's a lot." Jungkook looked at the bags.

"But I think it's not enough."

"How big is your stomach?" 

"I don't know. I always feel hungry. By the way, Hyunjoo hyung said he come a bit late. He had something to do first."

"Oh okay. Shall we start the movie?" Jungkook pressed the play button after Taehyung nodded. Taehyung opened the chips and started eating. 15 minutes later, Hyunjoo came and joined them.

"Oh by the way Hyunjoo hyung, Jungkook was sent Y/n back home today," Taehyung suddenly said made Hyunjoo smirked.

"Oh really. That's nice of you Jungkook." Hyunjoo teased Jungkook. Jungkook just maintained his eyes on the television.

"He said he is being nice to Y/n because she is a nice woman." Taehyung continued his teasing. Hyunjoo let out small chuckled.

"Okay enough. What's wrong with you Taehyung?" Jungkook finally snapped.

"Nothing's wrong with me. I just want to tease my little dongsaeng. It's quite rare to see you being nice to a woman."

"I was just helping her by sending her home. It's not something big."

"Yeah Taehyung. It's not something big. Although I was quite surprised but I'd do the same if I was in Jungkook situation. It's not wrong being nice to Y/n. She's a fine woman."

"Hey hyung. Do you like her?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course." Jungkook felt uneasiness in his heart.

"As a friend. She has a nice personality despite being a mother at such a young age." Hyunjoo explained. Jungkook felt relieved.

"Oh yeah. How old is she?" Taehyung asked wanted to know.

"She's the same age as me." Jungkook said.

"Really? So, she's 26. Then how old is her child?"

"5 years old and it's a boy."

"Wow so young to have a son. I must say she's strong to raise her son alone." Taehyung stated. Jungkook and Hyunjoo nodded in agreement.

"How much do you know about her Jungkook?" Hyunjoo suddenly asked made Jungkook raised his brows.

"About her private life? Not much. She seems not willing to tell it though. How about you hyung?"

"Same. Even though I tried to talk with her, she never let a single word about it to come out. It makes me curious."

"You want to know more about her?" Jungkook asked impatiently. Hyunjoo smiled at Jungkook sudden rashness.

"I just curious. Nothing more."

"But the way you say it looks like you like her."

"Like I said as a friend. Can't a friend get to know each other more?"

"" Jungkook stuttered. Hyunjoo and Taehyung looked at each other with a smirk.

"You also can get to know her more if you want."

"Why should I?" Jungkook confusedly asked.

"Haven't you heard what Hyunjoo hyung said just now. IF you want. If you don't it doesn't matter. We're not pushing you..." Taehyung said paused a bit.

"But it's not wrong to know more about her. She's your secretary after all. A good boss should really know a little bit about his secretary. So that you can cooperate better since you're working together, right?"

Jungkook thought a bit about Taehyung words. He couldn't agree more.    

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