Chapter 13

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It was already dark outside when the three of you finished the work. Jungkook stretched out his arms to relieve the stress on his body while you relaxed your body on the sofa.

"Hey Y/n. Isn't it okay with you being this late? How about your son?" Hyunjoo suddenly asked. Jungkook was startled. He totally forgot that you supposed to take your son a while ago.

"It's okay. I already told his nanny that I'm going to fetch him a bit late."

"But it's already late and we didn't have our dinner yet." The three of you unintentionally looked at your watch.

"It's not that late. It's not 9pm yet. I can still fetch my son." You reassured them both.

"We're having dinner first. Is your son already had dinner?" Jungkook asked. 

"Let me ask him first." You asked for permission to call your son. You talked with your nanny a bit and later to Jiwoon. You said sorry to him that you're going a bit late and he was okay with it. After a while you hang up the phone.

"My son already had dinner with his nanny." You told Jungkook.

"Hmm okay. So, let's go we don't want to waste more time. Hyung, you drive." Jungkook gave his car keys to Hyunjoo.

"Okay. Where are we going to eat?"

"To our fave restaurant. I'll treat you two as a thanks for helping me."

"Oh yes. I definitely eat a lot." Hyunjoo exclaimed. You just smiled.

The three of you were on your way to your house after dined. You were on the back seat while Jungkook was the driver and Hyunjoo sat next to him. You were a bit sleepy but you kept your eyes opened. You were shy to sleep in your boss car.

Jungkook looked at you through the rear mirror. He saw that you struggled to keep awake but finally you gave in and he couldn't stop to smile as he thought that you looked cute at the moment. Hyunjoo on the side was noticing him and decided to stare at his dongsaeng.

Jungkook was felt a pair of eyes looking at him and he quickly glanced at Hyunjoo.

"What?" he asked. His smile disappeared. Hyunjoo shook his head.


"Nothing? You never let your sight leave me. I feel creepy." Hyunjoo laughed. 

"Shh. She'll heard us." Jungkook put his index finger on his mouth gesturing Hyunjoo to shut.

"Don't worry. She's asleep." Hyunjoo said glancing at the back. Jungkook looked again at the mirror confirming you were asleep.

"Tell me." Hyunjoo was whispering but still audible for Jungkook to hear.

"Tell you what?" Jungkook confusedly asked. His voice was as low as Hyunjoo.

"What do you think about her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well do you like her?" Hyunjoo being straightforward with Jungkook. Jungkook began to understand with Hyunjoo intention.

"Sort of...but as an officemate."

"Are you sure about your answer?"

"Please hyung. Not here. Not while she's here."

"Why? You worry that she might hear?"

"First, yes. I don't want to create misunderstanding. Second, It's not an appropriate time and place to talk." Jungkook firmly stated.

"Yes..yes. We will talk another time." By the time Hyunjoo said that, they were arrived at Jiwoon's nanny house. Jungkook unbuckled his belt and move a little bit to the back to wake you up. He was hesitated to touch you but eventually he slightly patted you hand on your lap. You were startled, blinked your eyes few times before quickly opened your eyes. You were shocked and quickly straighten your body. Jungkook chuckled looking at your reaction.

"We're arrived." He said. 

"Oh I'm sorry I fell asleep."

"It's okay Y/n. We don't mind." Hyunjoo reassured you.

"I walk you out Y/n," Jungkook said and he got out of the car. You put your hand on the door to open it but Jungkook was faster. He waited for you to get out and closed the door. He walked with you to the house. You were greeted by the nanny and sleeping Jiwoon on the couch at the living room.

"Let me take him," Jungkook picked Jiwoon up and you said thanks to the nanny for taking care of Jiwoon. She smiled and both of you left. You offered to take Jiwoon from Jungkook but he refused. He gestured you to go back to the car. Actually your apartment was not far from there and you literally can walk but Jungkook was eager to send you back by car. You just agreed but you felt a bit guilty that you slightly burden him and Hyunjoo.

A few minutes later, Jungkook was at your apartment door. You took the keys out and unlocked the door. You opened the door wide to let Jungkook in while Jiwoon was still on his held. He asked you where to put Jiwoon and you gestured him to Jiwoon room and he quickly followed and put Jiwoon on his bed.

"Thank you very much sir. I'm sorry you have to pick up Jiwoon all the way here." You said slightly embarrassed and felt sorry about his action.

"Not at all. I wanted to help anyway." He said smiling. Then, you ushered him to the door. You opened the door for him and he went out.

"Thank you again sir."

"I have to thank you too for helping me."

"You don't have to. That's my job."

"But still I take your time too much. I'm sorry I dragged you to help longer than it's supposed to."

"It's okay sir. You don't have to worry about it." You smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I have to go. Hyunjoo is waiting."

"Please tell Hyunjoo I said thank you."

"Sure. Good night Y/n."

"Good night sir."

The Boss And Me (Jungkookxreader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now