chapter 1 transfer

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Girl gets transferred to a school and finds out that this school is full of vampires and one of them turns out to be her older brother.

Chapter 1: the transfer

Hello I'm Lucy, I'm 17, everything started when my mom, Sophie, died in an accident. It was the middle of May, she was driving and as she took a right turn a bus full of people crashed into her car. Everyone survived, but she died instantly. The impact was so big that mom's car was crushed into smithereens. It wouldn't have been such a big deal, but dad had died exactly 1 year earlier, so the devastation was a great one, at least for me. You see my so called family doesn't care about anyone else but themselves. Everyone agreed that the best solution for me for the moment was to send me to live with my aunt Elisa, my mother's sister. That is where I've been staying until now. A month ago she got a big job opportunity oversees, so she arranged that I'd be transferred to Angel Moon high school. She arranged this transfer because none else in the family wanted to take me in and she couldn't take me with her so the only other option left was to transfer me to a boarding school. She found this one I don't really know how, but that's irrelevant now, isn't it? The bottom line is that I'm leaving this house within less than a week.

"Lucy, breakfast is ready!" aunt Elisa yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yelled from my bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I found Elisa poring coffee in her cut like she usually does.

"Morning, aunt Elisa" I said.

"Morning, Lucy" she said.

"Are you going to work early, again?" I asked.

"Yes got some paperwork to finish off and then I've got some things to check" she said.

" Why can't I just stay here? Why do I have to transfer?" I asked.

" Because you can't stay here, I'm selling the house. And even if you could you'd have to get a job and you're just too young for that." Elisa said.

"I can handle it." I said.

"No, you can't. I made a promise and I intend to keep it." Elisa said.

"What promise, to whom?" I asked.

"To your mother, the day your father died. I promised her that if something were to ever happen to her I would take care of you." Elisa said.

"Are you sure this is the only way?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry honey, but it's the only way you'll be out of harms way at least for a while." She said.

"What do you mean out of harms way?" I asked.

"It's nothing, nothing you should worry about. You'll be in good hands and if you're in trouble you can go to Jack Silversoul, the principal. You go to him if there's anything wrong or you need anything, anything at all. Don't be shy you can tell him if anything's wrong." she said.

"But..... I ......" I said.

"No buts, he's a nice guy you'll see. And if you don't want to talk to him you can always call me. After all I'm just a phone away." She said.

"Okay. I'll go get my school bag. " I said.

She drove me to school. Seeing how these few days, were my last here and none knew that I was transferring. Not even my best, childhood friend, Remy, knew that I was transferring. I didn't tell him because he would have offered me a permanent home at his place. The thing with Remy was that we were always there for each other. But the truth be told I think things have changed within these passed 5 months since I've been living with my aunt Elise. I feel like I'm drifting farther away from everyone, like someone's trying to keep me farther away from everyone I know and care about. I think I'm more afraid of losing Remy above all, and I'm afraid that if I stay near him any longer then he might die just like mom and dad. The best thing to do is to go through with this transfer thing. Remy will be better off with me gone I only bring death to those around me. The cool thing about living with Remy would be that he lives alone in this big mansion. His parents are always gone with business, he has a brother but he's off to some boarding school somewhere so he lives alone. His brother comes to visit some times and other times he goes to visit him at school. Even though they live apart they're close. I see Remy he's coming this way, I have to put up a smile so that he won't notice.

boarding school, vampires and the brother she never knew she hadWhere stories live. Discover now