[28] Kimochi Wariu

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Ok before you read this: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I was loving everything going smoothly as well but please stick with it because I promise that it will get better again!


It was perfect. And then it wasn't.
It all started the next Monday, a day that on the face of it shouldn't have been at all significant, but later became a subject of a lot of nightmares.

I walked through the faded green gates of school smiling for once, the thought of spending the next six hours here not as intimidating as it always was on a Monday morning. My stride was confident, and it wasn't until that I stepped though the chunky doors that I saw the mass of people in reception.

They were all crowded round the noticeboard that I didn't think anyone actually paid attention to; all it held were exam dates and equally uninteresting things that people don't like to think about. I decided that either they've added another exam or more likely somebody's put something on there. I had no idea what that could be and being quite a bit smaller than everything, I had no chance of seeing it, but I couldn't lie that I wasn't curious. I shrugged and walked up to tutor thinking no more about it.


"So I am expecting you all to be at rehearsals if you're involved in the musical!" Nobody was listening to Mr Peters, that much was obvious. Instead they were all whispering and giggling together, a noise that undoubtedly gave me a tight chest. Even though they could be talking about a whole multitude of things, my paranoid brain told me that they were whispering excitedly about me and how weird I am. I guessed that it was probably that it had happened so many times before not because it was true.

The bell went and I gave a small smile to Sir who looked at us all disappointedly. Seriously, I'd never join the musical if you paid me thousands of pounds.

It was only when I was walking down to go to English when I saw it. The thing that everybody had been looking at this morning.

The thing that now made me feel sick to my stomach.

It was a picture of us. Of Me and Noah kissing.

My hair tangled around his cheek, both our eyes closed, blind to the person who took it.
I stayed there, letting the crowd of people wanting to get to lessons push behind me. It was like I had forgotten how to function – I felt like I couldn't think straight or move at all. Almost like an actor in a play when the curtain goes down and they go back to being themselves again. I didn't know who I was in the first place and I had no idea who I was now.

The snickering behind me increased enough for me to turn around to Mackenzie. She was alone this time – the corridor empty. She smiled at me, her whole teeth showing like the big bad wolf.

"Say thank you then silly!" I should have realised it was her. She took a step closer to me, her face nearly touching mine "you know, I really don't understand you at all."

Why wasn't she bored of me yet? I'd basically let her tear me apart since the start of the year so why was she coming back for more?

"I mean, I know I joke about you not having a brain but you seriously don't seem to have any thoughts." I wished that I could just tell her right there and then, tell her what happened to me, why she would never understand how angry that last sentence made me. But of course, I can't. Lucky me. "So how the hell do Katie and Noah like you?!"

Ugh not this again. So this is why she hadn't given up: in her eyes I still possessed something that she wanted. She had plenty of friends, why was she so concerned about Katie? It was Mackenzie that excommunicated her in the first place wasn't it?

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