26. Subtle Art of Teasing

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~ Love is that one color which makes everything else in life, brighter, happier and livelier, but only when it is reciprocated~

The evening sky was beautiful, like every day. Purple pink splattered between yellow orange, the sky looked like a canvas at work, and the artist was probably experimenting with proportions of colours. Nandini watched the sky from the window of her bedroom, amazement written all over her face. Watching the evening sky was her favorite pass time, she always sat on her swing back at her maternal home with a cup of coffee/tea as per her mood, to relax after a hectic day teaching at her college. Here, it has been this corner of her bedroom that served the purpose. And what made her awestruck was she never found the sky same, no two days the canvas matched. It was different, the proportions, the colours, every single day.

A fake cough broke her trance and Nandini turned to find Mrs. Chatterjee standing by her bedroom door, smiling at her.

" Maa?", Nandini exclaimed, before jumping off the couch to run to her, and bent to touch her feet, before hugging her. Over the time Nandini too had grown close to this lady who treated both her and Manik as her own children.

Mrs. Chatterjee had a good look at her as she kept her hand over her head. Nandini was beaming, the glow on her face was unmistakable, and the way her eyes were dancing, she was an epitome of joy.

" Am I missing something?", She enquired, as Nandini dragged her to the bed, making her sit, but at the question, she could not help but blush. Deep red at that.

" Why exactly is Manik's favorite colour flashing at your cheeks too much? Am I going to be a grandmother?", Mrs. Chatterjee laughed, teasing Nandini who laughed with her, shaking her head, shying away to face her though.

Suddenly her own image with a baby bump filled her mind, and she could not help but think how beautiful it would be, to nurture another life in herself, a living memory of her and Manik's love.

Mrs. Chatterjee was watching Nandini and the one million expressions crossing her face while she was lost in her Dreamland. Her heart swelled with joy watching Nandini so content and happy, because it also meant Manik was on similar lines, and just the prospect of Manik being remotely happy was enough good for her.

" Nandini?", She called out to Nandini who immediately looked up, biting her lip at her chain of thoughts. Took her a minute to grasp what was the question she was asked, but once she recollected, her face brightened some more.

" We confessed".

" You what?", Mrs. Chatterjee's loud gasp made Nandini giggle, for the lady was watching her with big, stunned eyes; eyes that were shining with happiness and amazement together.

" Oh my God! My child! I am so happy for both of you", she hugged Nandini again, who blushed. It was then she realized that all she had done throughout the day was blush, with Manik, after he left, at college, after coming back and even now.

" Me too", Nandini gushed, and ended up laughing, while Mrs. Chatterjee was already over the moon.

" I can't believe Manik finally did speak up, he accepted his feelings for you, he accepted you", Mrs. Chatterjee could feel her eyes moistened at the prospect though, she had been waiting for this moment since long.

Her words took Nandini a few hours back, into the morning, when she had said those words out loud, to him.

" I love you too", Nandini had never felt so confident in her life, as she felt in that moment when she finally professed her love for him openly. Also, she had never felt more shy before either,so she immediately lowered her lashes, her heart thudding loudly in anticipation of her husband's reaction.

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