Chapter Eight

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-An Offer You Can't Refuse-

3rd Pov

Many of the P.K students were confused and angry as to why the cafeteria was closed. Time was beginning to waste away and soon class would be starting.

"Is he seriously doing this?" Miriki turned her head to see a slender girl with long black hair and glowing brown eyes. It was Suzuki Kira, from Class B.

"I know, he's making my beautiful upset." Toritsuka said flirtatiously, wrapping his arms around the girl. She blushed despite the blank face she held and punched him.

Many people started complaining and whining until Teruhashi stepped up. Time to work my magic.

"It's okay, we can just eat outside in the garden area." She smiled causing everyone to go in a daze. They all immediately agreed with the girl.

Miriki clapped at her friend's idea. "Good one Kokomi-chan. We can even share the lunch I made!"

"Ah, Panda-chan. There's no need for that." Saiko appeared through the crowd and chuckled at the girl's face. "See, I planned a special lunch just for you and me." He winked.

"EH?" Miriki, along with the crowd gasped.

She glared at him. "Like heck I'm going to eat lunch with a bozo like you." She crossed her arms and looked away.

"Really because I have your favorite, Miso Ramen." He smirked seeing as the girl gasped.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "How did- why...?" The questions she wanted to ask scrambled out loud.

Saiko chuckled and walked closer to her. He grabbed her hands and intertwined them with his. "Don't you want to eat a fine meal. Don't worry about your peers, they can eat outside. I know you don't like all that fancy stuff so I did it the poor way."


Teruhashi watched the scene. She couldn't believe it. Someone had lost interest in her! This never happened. How could someone as rich and powerful as him just move on. Shouldn't he be sulking and crying- It doesn't matter. Maybe he's just using Miriki-chan to get over me or he's pretending to like her to get back at me.

The blue haired girl was wrong. At first maybe that was his plan, but then again he was rich and powerful. He could have anything he wanted, except for Miriki. She was something that couldn't be bought.

She couldn't think straight. Why was Saiko now treating her so special? Why did she care? She shouldn't be feeling like this. She turned over to Saiki and frowned.

Was it because she made the wrong choice?

No. Teruhahsi mentally slapped herself. Saiko only wanted her for her looks. Saiki was different. He never once said "Oh Wow" like so many others. A thought of realisation came to her. She looked at a blushing Miriki.

Was that why Saiko went after her?

She calmed herself. It was just silly thinking. If it weren't for her, then Saiko wouldn't have gone for Miriki. She really did create miracles. So in a way, Saiko didn't lose interest he just found a new one.

That's a bit of a stretch. Saiki shook his head.

Meanwhile, Miriki sighed. He did do this for her and she wasn't one to waste food. "Fine, I will have lunch with you." She said. Saiko blushed. "But, only if you let everyone else eat. Let's just sit at your private table or whatever."

"Of course, anything for you my lovely Panda-chan." Saiko happily dragged the girl with him to the table where they ate.

"You know, we should eat together more often. If we do then you'll get to know me better and hopefully change your opinion of me." He smiled at her.

Unfortunately, she hated to admit it but something in Miriki's heart warmed up at the idea of his suggestion. She looked at her friends. Kokomi was talking with the girls and laughing.

I've always eaten with Teruhashi. It's a blessing to be in her beautiful presence every day.

"I can't." She shook her head. "This is a one time thing."

Saiko's heart dropped at her words. Yet, he wasn't going to give up. "That's fine. It just gets lonely eating here with nobody else to share this amazing food that my chefs work hard to cook. Maybe some other time."

"I guess-" Miriki felt a tug of guilt. She shouldn't though. After all, this guy tried to ruin her friend's lives. "I could sit with you." His head perked up. "Only if you promise to be nicer to my friends."

"Nice? I won't-" he tensed seeing Miriki's dark look. "I'll try." It was going to be long probably. "As long as I get to be around you, my lovely Panda-chan."


(a/n) Kira Suzuki belongs to @oracle60

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