CH 3 : He's back

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Play had Jonas ft Years & Years


Today is another worst day of my life it's a school day, a Tuesday to be precise and I'm walking down the school corridors hoping and praying no one notices me and surprisingly for the first time my prayers were actually heard apparently my suffering wasn't the most interesting thing again

Every one was talking about Seth and the fact that he is coming back to school today, heck even a few of them greeted me, probably to stay in my good book A.K.A Seth's good book, if only they knew how wrong they are

"look who we have here the now famous Nicole, Seth's coming today try any thing stupid and I'll make you regret it" I'm sure we can all tell who said that, yes my people it's none other that Anne

"Anne I don't wanna have anything to do with you can you please just stay off my back for the rest of eternity" I said to her

"you think I wanna have anything to do with you" she said with a look of disgust "no I don't all I want is your overly sexy best friend Seth" she said and walked away

"well that was something" I said to myself under my breath and walked to my first class of the day which was calculus


Classes had been going smoothly and it was time for lunch finally oh and Seth had shown up in school but I haven't seen him yet we don't have much classes together I was in line for lunch when I heard the whole cafeteria go quiet and turned to see what was going on I mean it is never just quiet in a senior high cafeteria

I looked to the door to see who everyone was looking at and there he was Seth and he was looking directly at me from the corner of my eyes I saw Anne making her way towards him

"Seth there you are I haven't seen you all day, I missed you did you miss me?" she asked looking at him like a piece of meat "no" was his simple answer as he caught the hand she wanted to put on him half way

"burn" I heard one of the jocks scream at her rejection and some how I liked the fact that she was the one being rejected for once, he left her hand and walked past her without another word coming directly for me

now I was panicking what if he does something to me too, he seemed to hate me as much as he hated Anne and I don't want to be on the receiving end of his rage

"do you wanna get out of here" he asked in my ear when he got to where I was "huh?" I said like a dumb fool I am I had expected a lot of things and this was not on the list at all "sure?" I said more like asked when my brain started working again and put on a smile cause trust me I was still fucking scared

he grabbed my hand and took me out of the cafeteria but I didn't miss the glare on Anne's face as we left the cafeteria

when we got into his car the idea of what I was doing sunk in, I was leaving school with my drug addicted best friend who hates me and can probably kill me and get away with it, to only god knows where, now I'm panicking

"are you okay? you look pale" he asked "I..I'm fine, I'm sorry I'm fine" I replied and he just looked at me with something like pain or regret I wasn't so sure but I didn't want him to feel bad and do something stupid so I decided to act normal so he doesn't feel like I'm scared of him or anything
"so where are we going?" I asked with a smile "were going to a drive through then we'll go somewhere quiet we need to talk" he replied not looking at me "okay" I said just as we reached McDonalds and ordered


We drove for a couple of minutes and stopped in the middle of nowhere but I knew there was something here, Seth and I played here a lot before he left

"you remember this place?" he asked me "sure why wouldn't I remember this place it holds all of my childhood memories and it's kind of behind my house" I said and he laughed, he freaking laughed, I thought I will never hear that sound ever again, well it's deeper but it's still beautiful, he still is

"why are you looking at me like that?" he asked "nothing it's just good to see you laugh again I never thought I'll see that again" I said "I'm not that much of a lost cause Nicole I still laugh" he said looking away" I know, I'm sorry that was insensitive of me"I said looking away, I hated seeing this side of him

"are you saying that because you mean it or because you're scared I'll hurt you" he said still not looking at me "why will you say that?" I asked confused "I saw the way you looked at me this morning and even, when I came to get you in the cafeteria and even when you sat in the car and it was fear I saw in your eyes Nicole, hell I love it when a lot of people look at me like that but not you Nicole, definitely not you" he said looking at me with so much emotion

"why are you scared of me, did I do something last night, is it the drugs, did my mother tell you anything?" he asked and I could see how desperate he was that's why I did what I did next, I reached over and pulled him to me for a hug it was like a mother hugging her child, his head on my chest, well breast to be exact and my arms around his back

at first he seemed shocked but he quickly recovered and put his hands around me "I'm not scared of you Seth you're my best friend always will be" I said and for reasons unknown to me my own words hurt me and Seth also seemed to be affected by it cause he pulled away from me and looked into my eyes as if searching for something before looking away and leaving the car without a word.

I also came down and joined Seth on the part that led to the place we were going with our food in our hands "so how was California?" I asked trying to make small talk, it was obvious that we had grown apart, it has never been awkward between us not even when he saw me half naked when we were thirteen or when he kissed me two years ago.

"let me guess were skipping class, aren't we?" I asked smiling "you know me too well" he said also smiling, we walked for a few more minutes before we saw the lake house we claimed back in 7th grade


"well this at least place hasn't changed that much" Seth said as soon as we walked into the lake house, when Seth left I always came here alone it felt like I was holding onto every memory of him at first it was hard but it later got easier as time went on

"when you left I came here to make sure the place didn't get buried in dust before you came back" I said as we walked to the mini kitchen "I never even thought I will come back, that's what I hated the most" he said looking at me

"I knew " I said looking at him and seeing the Seth I knew before.

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