CH6 : His other side

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All time low - Jon Bellion

      I sat in the same position for minutes before I finally had the courage to stand up and take a shower after that I found some comfy clothes in the closet that smelled like Seth, I couldn't see outside since there were no windows but from the time on the bedside digital clock I could tell that the sun had probably gone down
       It wasn't like anyone was home to miss me I'm sure they won't even notice I'm gone I hardly see my parents and by hardly I mean Christmas eves nights since they have to be somewhere I never cared enough to know on Christmas days so yeah I hardly ever see them and I haven't seen my brother in a long time cause his University is halfway across the world and my parents think him visiting except Christmas is useless and it's September so I think they'll notice I'm missing in about three months just my luck
     I heard a timid knock on the door and it opened slowly then I saw a mass of pink hair and instantly knew who it was before the face made appearance
     "Hey thought I'll tell you dinner is ready, you hungry" she asked and I nodded my head and followed her outside and down the same stairs Seth carried me up before he disappeared
     We got to the dinning table for ten and all chatter seized as we walked in like our presence created another atmosphere or maybe it was just me
     "Come on sit" pink said placing herself beside Aiden and I sat on the seat beside the head of the table and Damien served me my share of spaghetti and meatballs
       "Where's Seth" I asked out of curiosity since he was the only one missing from the table
        "Out" I heard pink say and the rest just carried on eating like I wasn't there
         "So what are you guys, no offense but a bunch of teenage friends don't just decide to live in a smart house concealed by an old mansion in the middle of nowhere" I asked and they all looked at me before pink said   
      "Non taken and no we are not just a bunch of teenage girls living in the middle of nowhere" she gestured around the table and I watched the guys faces turn confused then from confused to angry
       "What do you mean by teenage girls" Damien finally spat out so menancingly I thought he would actually reach over the table and strangle her but she seemed unbothered by it
        "Oh right sorry, I sometimes forget you pussies are guys" she said looking anything but apologetic and this time he did reach over to strangle her I presume but he never got that far as in a flash she had a knife heading for his throat which he deflected and soon their faces were inches from each other and I was left dumbfounded as Damien smirked at pink who leaned forward and kissed his jaw causing him to let his guard down long enough for her to release herself and have the knife to his chest this time with a smirk of her own all through this exchange all that was going through my head was shit it just had to be something dangerous, they couldn't have been a band or even a group of scientist from the future cause that will explain the house no it had to be something dangerous, I bet they were a gang, shit what if this was the mafia I'm doomed what if Seth sold me to them and they would use me for their torture experiment
       "Guys that's enough I think you're scaring the princess" Dave said and it took me a second to realize he was talking about me "I don't think Seth will be happy to come home to find his pet dead of a heart attack" he continued, there was that word again 'pet' why where they calling me his pet I was his best friend but somehow I felt it was better to leave them alone for now
      The rest of dinner was uneventful, Seth never showed up so I went back to the room he gave me and laid down letting sleep take over me

      Sometime later I heard the door open and shut there was some shuffling around and I felt someone get in bed with me and I knew instantly it was Seth
     His hand came around my waist and he pulled me against him so that my back was to his chest, I felt his face nuzzle in my neck and heard him inhale as his hand under my shirt traced patterns on my bare stomach and I had to bite my lip to stop a moan from escaping my lips
     "I know you're awake" I felt him say against my skin
       "When are you taking me back?" I asked wanting to know the answer to the question that has been nagging at the back of my mind.
Wasn't he sober yet?
Was the alcohol still clouding his judgement?
      "When I'm satisfied" he said holding me tighter against him
      Then I felt something poking me in my thigh and rubbed back against it out of curiosity earning a low growl from the boy behind me
     "Are you alright" I asked rubbing my ass against it again and instead of getting a reply I was flipped over on my back with a Yelp and looked up to see Seth in between my thighs with but of my hands in one of his strong ones
       He was holding on so tight it started to hurt
       He pushed his hip up my tight and I felt his erection poking me
        "Oh...." I hadn't realized that I was grinding up against him, now he might get the wrong idea
        I saw his face getting closer and this time he didn't fall asleep on me like I hoped but he nuzzled my neck and placed a light feather like kiss on my sweet spot under my ear, his grip on my hands tightened further
     He moved to my neck and this time the kiss wasn't light or feathery but it was rough and almost painful
     His hip began to grind against my entrance and the moan I'd been trying so hard to keep slipped pass my lips
    I couldn't believe this was actually happening, my best friend that I've been crushing on for years was grinding against me and boy did if feel good, it felt like my insides were melting I could feel my panties getting soak as another moan slipped pass my lips
      He was getting rough and demanding,he bit down on my collar bone so hard I screamed on the top of my lungs
      My first instinct was to push him away but my hands were held so tight in his grip but as his tongue came out to nurse the abused skin my back arched in pleasure at the feel of the cold metal on his tongue carressing my bruise and suddenly I wanted him to bite me harder and he did but this time pain brought only pleasure

      "Seth...." I said his name earning a groan from him
      "Stop, what are you doing" I asked but he completely ignored me and continued to assualt my bruised neck his hips still moving in sync with mine
       This was wrong, I was taking advantage of him since I was the sober one but it felt so good being this close to him even if he was being so rough with me
     His other hand that wasn't holding me down was in my shirt dangerously close to my breasts and trailing higher
      I wasn't wearing any bra since I never wore them to sleep and his fingers soon found my erect nipples, he rolled them between his thumb and index finger then pulled them hard
      "Ah... Seth snap out of it" I tried even if the last thing my body wanted was for him to stop, soon my top was off me and on the floor and Seth as silent as he has been since he started this madness latched his lips onto my right nipple a groan of pleasure left me as my hips rocked forward coming in contact with him
      His tongue circled my nipple his tongue ring rubbing me in the right way  before him teeth bit it at the same time I felt his long slender fingers at my pussy lips, a scream passed my lips as he soothed the abused nub and circled my hardened clit
      I rocked my hips to the movement of his skilled fingers as I felt something building deep inside me
     Another sharp bite to my other nipple that sent waves of pleasure coursing through me was all it took for me to come under the torture of his fingers with his name on my lips
    As I came down from the high of the pleasure I realized what just happened and looked up at Seth who was still hovering over me with glazed over eyes and I realized this wasn't over, far from it

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