Nadia x F!Mc 🍋

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Announcing your engagement. With everything else over with and spoken for, all that remained was for Nadia to announce to Vesuvia the pending wedding. Betrothed to you. Even now, after so many weeks it still seemed surreal. Nadia proposed! You said yes; but then again, how could you not?

She insisted you both appear before the public to announce the wedding, much to your disapproval. She was right though, now you were equals. Nadia's right hand, her soul mate, it only made sense for you to remain at her side.

On the way, however, is a different story. The carriage bumped along the dusty road to the town square. Nearly the whole way, your nerves built and built until Nadia noticed your hands shaking.

"My dear, you're trembling. Are you that nervous to appear with me?" She steadies your hands with her own, her slender fingers lacing through your own.

"I- no. I don't know. I can't think straight," you can't meet her gaze. It's hard to place exactly what has you so anxious, only that you are feeling particularly overwhelmed in this moment. "Can we stop for a second?"

"Of course, dear," She pulls a rope in the carriage, indicating to the driver to stop. Around the carriage, you can vaguely hear the murmur of people passing by. This stopping place hadn't been as private as you'd hoped. You must be closer to the town center than you thought.

"Let's walk a bit, it will help clear your mind." She leads you out of the carriage, ducking down an alley to avoid the hushed whisper of people recognizing the Countess. Sticking to back alleys to avoid the public eye, Nadia walks with you for a few blocks before your mind finally begins to slow. You slow to a stop, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Nadia. You always make me feel better," You murmur into her ear, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I think we can go back now, I feel a little better, I think..."

"You think, has your mind not quieted yet?" She brushes the back of her knuckles against your cheek, clearly concerned. Shaking your head no, she presses kisses all over your face, closer and closer to your mouth before finally placing her lips on yours, drawing out the kiss until you're almost gasping.

"I could clear your mind, if you think it would help..." Her tone growing suggestive. Your eyes flit to hers, a shade darker than normal.

"We are in public, you know. What if someone sees?" Not fully against her proposal, but worried for her reputation as Countess.

"And what would they say against me? I could post guards, if it would make you more comfortable," Her unwavering confidence is exciting, the prospect of getting caught increasingly putting you in a fun headspace.

"Well, I'm all for it but if someone hears, we're done for." Perching yourself on an upright ale barrel, Nadia begins to push your skirts out of her way.

"You'll just need to be quiet then," She muses, a smirk peeking through her serious tone. Her voice stunning you into silence, you can only nod before she kisses you once more, fiercely this time. Her nails digging into your now exposed thigh, eliciting a gasp from you.

"My, my... You're awfully tense, dear," inching her hand towards its' goal, slowly— painfully slowly— her nails raking up your thigh building a need within you only she could satisfy. "Are you going to tell me what you want? Or should I give you what you deserve?"

"What exactly do I deserve, nn-ooh N-Nadia?" A moan tearing up your throat before you could finish the sentence, drawn out by her hands pushing your undergarments out of her way. Of course she knows what she does to you, she has to know— everything you wanted conveyed through the hiss of her name through your teeth.

"You deserve nothing but the best. Relax, dear, I can take care of you," She pulls you into another kiss, her off hand caressing the small of your back— currently arching towards her— holding you close.

"I haven't even begun, I didn't know you were so sensitive." She teases, letting you latch onto her neck, muffling your groans as her fingers slip into you up to the first knuckle. "This is nothing, really. Are you truly so worked up?"

"No- I... ah- I" You trail off, unable to finish the thought while her fingers slide further inside you, curling gently to brush against that white-hot spot within you. "You like interrupting me," it takes all your willpower to push the sentence out, the nerves in your whole body standing on end.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," she replies, that half-smirk of hers coming back. In that moment, she begins to rock her hand back and forth, in and out of you, much to your great pleasure. Any semblance of speech from you melts into moans. It's all you can do to keep your eyes open, faintly watching her through the fluttering of your eyelashes. Your head tilts back, resting on the brick wall behind you. She picks up the pace a bit, each time curling her fingers. Almost subconsciously, your hips begin thrusting against her fingers, aching for more each time she withdraws.

"M-more, please, Nadia, more" breathlessly whispering into her ear, keening in this strange alley for release. Surprisingly, she concedes. Her thumb pressing into your clit, rubbing tight circles, your hips jumping as the nerves spasm from her touch. The knot in your stomach exponentially tightening by the second, vision going fuzzy from the irregular pace of your breathing, her touch the only thing anchoring you to consciousness.

Suddenly, she snaps her wrist forward, driving her fingers home, sending you reeling over the edge. Your whole body spasms against her, biting onto her shoulder to muffle the sounds of your orgasm. Her hand never slows until you stop twitching, the purple mark on her neck already forming where you bit her.

Blood rushing through your ears, all you can do is pull her into a deep kiss, both of your shaking hands cupping her face. She chuckles against you, a smile betraying her normally serious face.

"Do you think you are ready to face them, now? We do have important business to attend to today."

"Yes, I think so," you smile, suddenly very calm at the prospect of announcing your engagement to the city.

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