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Buttercup scrubbed the deck quite angrily that she might actually make a hole in the wood

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Buttercup scrubbed the deck quite angrily that she might actually make a hole in the wood. The anger comes from the conversation her and Orbis had the other night about how she couldn't participate in the raid.

She didn't want to contitune to be a damsel in distress. She wanted to fend for herself and become her own knight in shining armour.

She didn't know who'd teach her though. The only people she felt would teach her were Orbis, Henry, and Calvin.

Orbis was ruled out since he was against her fighting since he didn't want her to get hurt by anything but, he didn't realise if he just taught her she wouldn't get hurt or injured and he wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.

Sadly he couldn't see that. It's as if he wanted to save her all of the time instead of letting her defend herself. At some point he would get tired because she was very clumsy person who always found herself in weird situations all of the time. Also what if he wasn't there to help or save her then he would have even more regret.

Yet, he wouldn't even listen to her very rational argument or let her bring up the conversation up again. Instead of letting him shower her kisses, she stomped out of the room and decided to let some steam of and do her duties but, it really wasn't helping.

One of the other options was Henry but, he's also Orbis's first mate and has to listen to his captain's orders but, not only that but, they are best friends. Henry would most likely have or rationalize with the same viewpoints Orbis has.

Calvin on the other hand would listen to her viewpoints and understand because they had become very close over her time being her. He was very sweet and nice to her. He also seemed very skilled with a sword for being around the same age as her.

She decided she would ask Calvin later after she finished her duties. Going to pick up her cleaning supplies she saw Orbis standing on the deck a few meters away from her looking around hopefully not for her. She really hopes not, she's still very angry at him and not ready to talk yet.

She quickly dipped down the stairs in hopes to avoid him. She succeeded in that and head to her room to put her supplies away.

Consumed by her angry thoughts she stomped her way to the eating hall. For the next couple hours she prepared food and serving all of the crew members their food all while wallowing in her thoughts.

Most of the crew have thanked and left her in the eating hall to their jobs on the ship leaving her to clean up after them. All except one man. The same guy who's been creepily stare at her since she's been here.

Against her gut saying it was a bad idea and her head telling her he seemed very dangerous she decided to walk over to him.

"Would you like more sir?", she asked him politely hoping that her fears and suspicions are false and that she has an overactive imagination.

"Yes", he said staring her straight in the eye making her uncomfortable.

"Alright let me grab that for you...", she reached her hand out to grab his bowl but, was stopped when he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip with his hand.

"That's not what I meant when when I said I wanted more", he started to stand with his grip getting tighter and tighter. "I meant I want more of you"

"Please sir I...", she was shocked and didn't know what to say.

Buttercup was trembling with fear unsure what to do as he started to pull her closer and closer to him, inch by inch. It was like everything was going in slow motion for her. Reacting quickly she lifted her leg up and kicked him in the gut and took off running through the maze of hallways trying to see if there were any of the nice crew men around.

She found a corner to duck behind for the time being worried on what to do. She now wished she had talked to Orbis before this. She had no one to help save her now.

"Come on I don't bite... hard", the creepy man chuckled out in a not very funny way and it was very frightening to her.

Her breathing intensified as she heard footsteps come closer and closer and closer. They were near now. What was she going to do?

Thankfully, the footsteps passed her and she took a deep breath waiting a little bit before seeking Orbis.

She jumped out in a rush out of her hiding corner before she was stopped by two arms wrapping around her and hand covering her mouth. Before her mouth was fully covered she let out a tiny shriek signalling to anyone passing by she was in trouble. Oh she hoped someone was passing by.

Looking up she saw a evil broken toothed smile belong to the same man holding her.

No matter how hard she kicked and thrashed against him, he never let go and the fight within her was slowly dying off.

He pushed her against wall, her back facing him. His heavy weight pushing her down till it wasn't anymore.

Someone had heard her sobs and answered her prayers she turned around to find Orbis holding the man up by the collar. A nice crew member by the name of johnny had picked her up bridal style and carried her away from the scene.

Before she knew it her trembling body was being placed in Orbis's private room. Johnny had smiled and walked out of the room before saying anything.

A couple moments later a strong pair of arms she recognised as Orbis wrapped around her delicate body. She had long stopped sobbing at this point and had just wanted to seek out comfort from him.

"My love I'm so sorry..."

"Shhh", she stopped him from going on a long monologue by placing a finger on his lips.

To his surprise she started to undo the back of her dress making him puzzled. Seeing his puzzled look she quickly explained.

"Make love to me", she whispered his lips before covering them in her own.

Letting go of hers he stared into her eyes questioning.

"Is this what you want?", he asked.

"Yes very much so", she said with much eagerness in her voice.

With that statement he gave into temptation.

ButtercupDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora