( 20. ) Time skips ✓

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"Hey, you're [random Tinder name] right?"

"Yeah, hey, how's it going?"

*time skip to after the date*

"So, do you want to come over to mine? We could watch a movie or..."

"Totally, that sounds cool."

*time skip after they get home*

"We should totally bang."

"Hell yeah, but let's not give the reader details because the author is going to skip it anyway."

Yes, hello, are you even writing a story at this point? Like I totally understand time skips because you just want to get to the point, but there are much better ways to do it than this. As a reader, it can get so annoying when you only get to read like three sentences each paragraph and then there's a time skip. So as a writer, you should look back at it and ask yourself:

Does your time skip progress the story in any way?
Is it functional where you placed it?
Does it take away from the actual storyline?

Do you not feel like writing it?
Is it something you're uncomfortable writing?
Are you bored with this section and ready to move on?

Is there somewhere else in the chapter that could use a time skip instead?
Would this part be easier to just write out?
Would it make the story better to keep this part in the story instead of skipping it?

If you are going to use a time skip, stick to a maximum amount of one per chapter. That way you can put more detail and action into the story and you don't accidentally skip over something that would have progressed the story in a much better way.

If you skip something because you don't feel like writing it, then write something else. Being lazy does not excuse the lack of detail put into a story, because it takes dedication. If it's skipped because you're uncomfortable, perhaps try to leave it out completely or push it off for later on in your story, when you're ready to write it. And finally, if you think it's boring enough to put a time skip, then why are you putting it in your story at all?

As I said before, it is perfectly fine to use time skips. Just ask yourself those questions first and see if it still fits where you're trying to use it in you're story.

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