( 25. ) Promoting ✓

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I do believe this is a great topic to discuss, especially for writers that feel unappreciated in their work.

Look— it is more than okay to heavily promote your books and I don't want anyone telling you otherwise. If you want to post an announcement each time you publish a chapter, or just once when you first publish the book, either are perfectly fine and great ways to get recognition from your followers and others.

Now now, I do have to scold some. Promoting is okay on YOUR profile and YOUR OTHER BOOKS , but it is not okay to go on others profiles and blatantly post an entire announcement regarding your book or go onto their book and comment about it. That last one is a big no-no! It is okay to message people assuming you approach them kindly, but understand that not everyone is going to respond (care) or give back the same kindness.

But permission is an entirely different story. If an author or other Wattpadder gives you permission to promote on their place, then do it.

Now this is me telling you to promote the hell out of your book on my book. Only this book though, not my others. This is a trust-built foundation and I'm encouraging you to go along with it.

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