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7:00 am, entrance exam day

the morning rays shone through the window as the silky white curtains were lifted by the crisp morning air. the sunrise was a beautiful array of pinks, purples, yellows, and oranges.

the F/C wall was enlightened by the colourful sunshine while the small and medium F/H posters rustled and almost fell down, due to the lack of blu-tack holding them up, as the sound is adding to the small and almost soothing aura to the bedroom.

if only there wasn't a cancerous 14 year old snoring her life out and sounding like a dying elephant with a blocked nose.


"ughhh oh my god sHUT UP!!!!" the young h/c girl yelled as she practically electrocuted her alarm clock. y/n sat up in her bed and looked in her mirror to see her extremely messy h/l locks tied up in such a messy bun, it could almost fall out if it moved an inch.

"y/n !! are you awake yet?! your entrance exams for u.a are today and you should be heading off soon!!" y/n's mother; haruna, yelled from the kitchen downstairs.

"yes mUM IM UP!" y/n exclaimed back, dragging out the up.

with a groan, y/n eventually hopped out of bed, muttering; "bloody hell staying up and watching e-girl tik tok: a compilation till 2 in the morning; not such a good idea".

she made her way to the bathroom to have a shower, and wash her hair, attempting to wake herself up for the big day ahead. after drying and brushing her h/c hair, she changed into her junior high uniform, which consisted of a black blazer with white trimming over a white blouse, a red and black plaid skirt with a matching bow tie.

y/n did two dutch braids into her hair, (unless your hair is short, or you simply don't want that) and marched downstairs to receive two pieces of burnt toast.

"mooom, why is it buuurnt?" y/n complained to her mother like a 4-year-old whilst her mother chuckled,

"well you took too long getting your lazy ass down here, and so it burnt". y/n huffed and pouted, thinking that it's going to magically make the toast better. News flash: it didn't.

"anyways, besides from that ... disaster, wheres tomoki?" haruna looked at her daughter,

"your brother? Oh, he left early for school, but he said to wish you good luck though". y/n looked at her cracked phone screen to receive a text from her 'gucci eye bagged' friend, she  snickered at the memory of the nickname.

hoetoshi shinshoe🐱✌️
yo where r u n/n

(n/n - nickname)

y/n checked her phones time only to see that she needs to be at U.A within 10 minutes, but she agreed to meet with shinso 5 minutes beforehand so they could walk in together, because nerves you know?

"HOLY SHIT I NEED TO GO BYE MOM LOVE YOU!!!!!!" y/n screeched as she sprinted out of the house with her f/c backpack with multiple pins on it and the words 'I AM NO DEFAULT' in bold s/f/c letters sewn on the front pocket.

she kept running for a few minutes and eventually saw the massive building of U.A and her lilac haired friend standing next to the gates on his phone. y/n quietly creeped behind shinso and poked her slim s/c fingers into his shoulders.

"boo" she said in a monotone, but sarcastic tone.

shinso jumped a little bit, but didn't give the reaction that y/n was hoping for.

"ready to get your scrawny ass kicked y/n?" shinso said as they started to walk in

"yea but this ass ain't scrawny, you're just jealous that I'm thiccer than you" y/n sassed. shinso shrugged it off,

"yo I hope this entrance exam isn't gonna kill me I don't want everybody's circulation (the song above) to be the last song I listened to." y/n snorted,

"well then at least it's a bOp" she said whilst hitting the woah, earning some strange looks from others.

they both laughed as they walked into a massive room to look for their respective seats. shinso was to y/n's right and to her left was a boy with a mop of dark green hair and innocent looking emerald eyes.

"high school hero course exam orientation for all you examinee listeners tuning in welcome to my show today! everybody say hey!"

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