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so i had a dream last night

why are you telling me about your dreams now?

  because it's related to you!

plus everyone's pretty much busy

so i was dreaming that you had a girlfriend

i don't have a girlfriend

  but in this dream you did

and your girlfriend cheated on you with my boyfriend?

by the way, i do have a boyfriend

in real life



but don't you see there's some connection here???

uhhh jaeun, it's just a dream

  but! what if it's true!

he's not talking to me the way he used to

he isn't replying to my texts anymore

he always says he's busy

there are signs!😕

you're overthinking


because before i fell asleep

i was thinking why he isn't the way he used to be

then i was like 'oh i didn't annoy min yoongi today'

so there is a possibility that it's just my brain messing up with me😔

does your routine involve annoying people always??

  not people just you

why me?

  because you're my oppa :3


  anyway, back to my problem!

what should i do?

should i ask him whether he's cheating on me or not?

are you dumb?

 kind of

don't ask him

observe him

not like a creep

just, observe how he behaves with you and then with others

if you find he's distancing himself from you then ask him why he's doing it

talk to him then.

  wow you're a genius

i know

lowkey a softie • myg ✓Where stories live. Discover now