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you fell??

for you? not yet


  fine fine XD

yes i fell as i was running today

i twisted my leg

i think it's a sprain in the ankle

did you go to the doctors?

  I'll go tomorrow?


  geez, I'll go tomorrow!

I promise!

I'll come with you tomorrow


I can manage myself!

I'm 18 Min Yoongi

I can pretty much handle everything >:(

wait what about your parents

you live alone??

do they know that you fell

i did call them

you see

  Mom and Dad are doctors without borders

so they're somewhere in Africa?

idk they might be busy but

Grandma visits me for like once in a week

and i can't tell her because she has got a farm of her own to look after

she'll leave everything  and take care of me instead :(

i don't want that😔


as i was saying, please don't come tomorrow :(

why, you don't want me to?

it's not that!

i just dontwanttotroubleyou

I'm coming tomorrow

does youngjae, kook and mark know?

   yes, they took me to the nurse's office

and later dropped me home

leaving you alone

  Yoongi I'M FINE


you're lying


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