Chapter 7

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𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯

"What the fuck you doing here ?" I said scrunching my face at the presence of my stepmom.

"Baby, have you seen your father ?" She asked me i just stood there frozen. I guess for a little too long because my mom kept calling my name and Quincy put his hand on my back.

"huh ?... no, I didn't see him why ?" I spoke.

"Nae, baby your dad is missing." My mom told me. But i just shrugged.

"What that got to do with me, you should keep tabs on your husband im not his keeper." I said while shrugging about to go up the stairs. But my mom said my full government name so i stopped.

"Please im carrying his baby" my stepmom said. My eyes widened.

"Was it by choice or he forced you ?" I asked her while folding my arms. She looked stuck like her secret was just spilled on the table. So i already knew her answer. She's my stepmom but her and my dad aren't officially married and she said she wasn't having sex til she was married so i was just curious.

Then suddenly everybody froze when we heard a knock on the door. My stepmom looked at the door then back at me then the door. But my mom got up and went to the door for the simple fact that this was her house.

"How you doing ma'am I'm looking for a Jessica Thomas." A officer said.

"This is she, whats going on" my mom said while pulling her coat.

"Are you some how related to a Mark Johnson ?" The officer asked. My mom simply shook her head.

"Im sorry to inform you ma'am but he was found dead, it looked as though he got shot and hit by a car. We were going to investigate but due to no evidence we're not going to investigate im sorry for your lost ma'am" The officer spoke heading back to his car. We all stood there in shock.

Quincy guided me up the stairs to my room. "You good ?" He asked me.

I blew out a breath I didn't know i was holding. "It was you wasnt it ?" I said lowly. "Look Quincy you don't even have to lie to me." I said. He just simply nodded his head. I looked at him for a moment.

I just hugged him and didn't want to let him go. I really didn't know what to think. I feel like i can finally breath again knowing he's not after me. But at one point he did love me, but i was not going to shed a tear for him, i refused.

After a while Quincy decided to take me somewhere we were driving then pulled up to a nice house. "Ughh, whose house is this ?" I asked nervously.

My parents" he simply said.

He could tell i started to get nervous so he squeezed my thigh.

"Dont be nervous they cool." He said.

We walked up some steps and Quincy knocked on the door. To my surprise Ka'liyah answered the door.

"umm hi, Naveah what you doing here ?" She asked me.

"She with me." Quincy spoke and I just smiled. Me and Ka'liyah are in 2,4,6,8 period together at school. She cool but we never really talked.

"ughh, okay" she said and let us in.

I walked in and was amazed at the sight. There house was sooo amazing my jaw dropped.

"Close your mouth" Quincy chuckled.

Then there was a pretty woman walk in the room she didnt look anything like Quincy but Ka'liyah favored her.

"Heyy baby, whose your friend ?" The pretty lady said as she was walking up to Quincy and kissed his cheek.

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