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Percy tilted his head to the side. "Yes, I did die here," Percy said to Nico. "And I'm sure I smell familiar. You are a Cyclops who worked in the forges before, I am made of metal." Percy said calmly. He could say something to throw them off entirely, but he couldn't tell himself to do so. But that didn't mean he was going to confess his name, birth, and blood type just like that.

"Remove your helmet," Nico said, clenching his teeth. Percy saw tears in the younger man's eyes. The eyes that looked at him with hope and maybe a little anger. "Why?" Percy asked. "Are you Percy? Are you Percy Jackson?" Nico asked.

"Perseus Jackson died a decade ago, correct?" Percy said. This didn't make Nico back off, as he seemed like he had prepared for Percy saying this. "Yes, and his body disappeared. And then Hephaestus suddenly created a humanoid machine." Nico said. Upon hearing his name, Hephaestus' presence appeared in Percy's head.

Do you need me to get you out of this?

Hephaestus asked. Percy declined the offer before saying, "That could just be a coincidence. Unless you have a schedule planned out for the gods, there is no certain time that Hephaestus would've built me. And to be completely honest, if I were Percy Jackson, why would I not have come back?" Percy asked.

"Your flaw is personal loyalty. You were betrayed. That's why you didn't come back." Nico said. "In that case, why am I back now?" Percy asked. He knew for a fact that Nico and Tyson both knew they were looking at Percy Jackson, but he was still a tad bit curious about how they were the only ones that noticed. "Same reason. Your flaw is personal loyalty. And I'm the only one here who has 'grudges' as a fatal flaw." Nico said. A small smile was present on his face. "I knew I wouldn't hide that for long. But, will you tell anyone?" Percy asked.

"Brother!" Tyson said happily rushing forward. Percy was enveloped in a crushing hug, and he went rigid. He knew he wasn't going to be able to pull away from Tyson, but this hug could be deadly if Tyson broke the wrong thing. "I'm not planning on it. After what Annabitch did to you, I'm actually enjoying myself watching her drown in shame and misery." Nico said. Tyson and Percy looked at Nico weirdly when Tyson finally released Percy. "What?" He said, looking between the two in confusion.

"You, my friend, have been hanging around your father and his judges a tad bit too long," Percy said. "I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean. But maybe you should tell the others. Your mother, our friends, your dad. They were worried sick when you disappeared. And fuming when they found out Annabeth killed you. Well, Sally still doesn't know, but I fear what would happen if she did." Nico said, visibly shuddering.

"I'll tell them. I can't, or rather I won't, tell them too soon, but in time I guess I'll prance around the camp without my helmet and cause mass destruction because of a nose bleed." Percy said. "Just bring pizza when you come prancing in, we don't need any more mass destruction," Nico said, rolling his eyes.

"And peanut butter!" Tyson added. "Yes, pizza and peanut butter. I want them separate but bring them both." Nico said. "Seriously?" Percy asked. A real grin split Nico's face. "Seriously."

"Is Deathboy okay? His face never does that." Tyson asked Percy worriedly. "Yeah... I hope so." Percy said. Yeah, this should be a good time to escape.

Hefty, can you take me to the camp? Quickly, please?

Depends. Spell Cyclops.

I'll do so if you touch your toes.


Percy was in the camp in seconds. There was no one in sight except Max. The son of Asteria stood under a pyre, Alex's pyre, his back turned towards Percy. Everyone else had probably turned in for the day, after all of the chaos of the day.

The harpies swarmed above the son of Asteria, but when one got too close Max raised his hand. Percy realized too late before he was struck with something burning and sharp. It sliced through his body with ease and left behind a sensation that Percy hadn't felt in a long while. Physical pain. Extreme physical pain.

He landed on the ground with a loud crashing sound, and it made Max turn around quickly. "Clockwork? Crap, I didn't mean to hit you." Max said rushing over to Percy who was laying on the ground.

Percy didn't respond to him right away. He knew what he had just been hit with.

The stars will fall and cause disarray

"I'm fine. I've been dealt worse damage." Percy said. Maybe not as Clockwork, but he had held the sky before, even if it was only for a few minutes. The pain he had felt on his back happened to be everywhere, but he'd live.

"I haven't gotten a good grip on them by myself. I could control it better with Alex... I thought everyone went inside." Max said. "It's fine. Just keep practicing."

Max looked Percy exactly where his eyes would be without the helmet. "Clockwork, do you guys know who those people were? Who killed Alex?" He asked. Percy didn't lie. "Yes. I don't know who the woman was but the other two with her were Kenneth Jackson and Adrien Du Vel." Percy said.

Max clenched his jaw and nodded his thanks. His eyes twinkled dangerously, as he stood and held his hand out to help Percy up. He was no longer thinking about Percy, not really, but rather those responsible for his brother's death.

Percy took the hand and when Max finally managed to hoist Percy up, Percy grabbed his shoulder. "Don't waste time on revenge. I've seen it kill a lot of good people." Percy told him.

Max looked away and Percy doubted he had convinced him but Percy was now technically injured. Luckily, there was a whole cabin full of people who were willing to help with that.

"Just don't touch my helmet," Percy said to Leo and his siblings.

And that's the end of this part! What'd you think? Nico and Tyson know now, will Percy decide to tell more people about his identity? If so... Who's going to be the next person? Until next time,

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