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There was nothing but the sound of the ground under them as they made their way through the forest. Sabre neighed in annoyance after about an hour of walking.

To Percy's surprise, she didn't bother him about what was obviously bothering her. She instead went to Blair, sniffing her hands as if expecting food. Feed me, human, the horse neighed. Percy rolled his eyes but didn't say anything when Blair started feeding the horse her Bracelets, despite the fact there is a sack of metal scraps hanging from the saddle.

An alert rang from in his head before he knew he had been hit. Whatever it was, it was gnawing at his head. Its teeth were gnawing through the layers of metal like they were nothing, and Percy immediately became more aware of the electricity coursing through his body.

Nico knew he couldn't get a clear shot with his sword without injuring Percy, so everything around Percy got dark as Nico willed the shadows to grab whatever was gnawing on his head. Or maybe it was Blair's smoke, trying to kill it just a long enough to get off of him. Either way, it wasn't helping as much as they wanted to, and Percy just couldn't see.

Percy clawed at his own head instinctively feeling the thing get down to the last two layers of metal. His movements were too slow and his senses were malfunctioning. He couldn't hear the others anymore, he couldn't tell if he was still moving. He didn't know if the thing was still on his head. Maybe the darkness isn't Nico or Blair. Maybe this was his own personal Tartarus, maybe as punishment for cheating death.

Maybe Percy had really died this time.

Then suddenly, he was surrounded by water. He didn't see anything but darkness around him but he felt vapor around him. It was cold. Before Percy lost consciousness, that's all he felt— cold.


Percy woke up in Hephaestus' workshop. Hephaestus wasn't in, and it was dark outside. It looked like Artemis was taking her shift and the huntress gleamed ever so brightly, accompanying her Lady even in the sky.

Percy swung his legs off of his table before nearly stumbling to the ground. The workshop began to spin uncontrollably as his head throbbed from the pounding under his temples.

The moonlight that poured into the workshop was his only source of light and while he knew exactly where the light switch was, he didn't want to alert Hephaestus that he was awake if the god of blacksmiths happened to be not too far away.

He took small, shaky steps towards the mirror.

Percy frowned. He looked unscathed. His headache was the only sign that he had been attacked by something in the first place. And the fact that his body felt like he had been hit by a truck. 

He wondered if whatever got to him got to his brain. Was it One? How'd it know that it had to get to Percy's brain to kill him? Well, he didn't have his helmet on so that was the only thing not being protected by visible armor. It probably instinctively went for the unprotected spot.

Percy frowned. Adrien couldn't be behind everything that happens to Percy. 

"How long will you be staring into that mirror?" Aphrodite's voice said suddenly. Percy was surprised that he hadn't sensed her but didn't show it. He sensed Artemis, the goddess who hunted and relied on stealth, but he couldn't sense the goddess of love. Why is she here? Percy wondered, turning towards her.

"Lady Aphrodite. Does my patron know you're here?" Percy asked. "No. Which is probably best, isn't it?" Aphrodite said, letting out a weak laugh. "Is there something troubling you?" Percy asked her.

"Yes, I mean, nothing important. I just have a bad feeling." Aphrodite said. Percy looked at her, waiting to see if she would explain in further detail. "Tomorrow will mark Adrien's 40th birthday. Something about tomorrow doesn't sit well with me." Aphrodite said. "You know, you are one of the few Olympians that I know for sure remember their children's birthday," Percy said.

"No, I wouldn't say that. I usually remember everything but their birthdays so their presents are extravagant." Aphrodite confessed. She smiled sadly. "You usually remember the days you most regret." She said quietly, and Percy pretended he didn't hear. Then again he was surprised he had with the consistent agonizing hammer that seemed content on banging on his skull inside of his head.

"Is there anything you need?" Percy asked. "Yes, I understand that you are still healing, but there is currently a Council meeting in session, one I am actually late for, and I wish for you to accompany me." She said. Percy nodded, agreeing. "Why would my presence be needed?" Percy asked, already heading towards his table to grab his armor from under it. "It's a meeting about your father. He says he felt your presence in his domain and has been in Atlantis for weeks." So Percy hadn't been imagining being surrounded by water.

"...weeks?" Percy asked, rubbing his throbbing head. "That's how long you've been out. About six. This is one of the few times any of the others have actually left your side. Hephaestus, the titan kids, di Angelo, Tyson, the daughter of death and the other one are just naming a few. I failed to mention a certain goddess and her lieutenant." Aphrodite said almost matter of factly.

Percy nodded. "Who all will be there?" "Other than the Olympian Council just the Demigod Council," Aphrodite said. "But what about One? Is it still alive? Has he been found?" Percy asked. "Hurry up and get ready," Aphrodite said. "We're already late."

And that's the end of this part and the next one should come much sooner than this one. What'd you think? Well I'm gonna go now,

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