Chapter Twenty-Six

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AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE HAVE THE GRAND FINALE!!! I'm so happy for all the love this book got and I hope everyone who read it enjoyed it, it was a fabulous journey we had together! So, let's get it....the last chapter!

It has been a week already. You could not get over Meruem's death. Gon suffered from a near death experience but healed thanks to Alluka! It was the last time everyone saw you out of your room when you helped Killua to get his sister, after Gon was healed you again locked yourself up in your room. It was just too much for you to bear! 

Your nen died out in the time was like it was alive only cause of Meruem and now.....

You sat huddled up in the corner your arms around your knees pulling them close, your eyes were almost lifeless. Dark circles embedded under your eyes, your face had lost it's colour not to mention the huge loss of weight in your body. The room was dark and unhealthy to look at, it kinda soothed your mood which was quite gloomy itself like all hope left or so you thought!

*Knock Knock*

The sound didn't even reach your ears nor did the voices on the other side, but when the door slammed on the opposite wall with a huge force that you tried to look up but finally all the energy in your body fled away and once again darkness consumed you

"It's okay! we promise to take care of you, (Y/n)"  someone's soft voice said while kneeling down next to you

"Well, we will try that is" it was another voice but a more masculine one

it was the second that whatever source of energy was left in you made you snicker in response 

"Oh~ I think she'll do just fine~" 

'you've got to be kidding me'

Normal POV:

"Oh would you stop it already" you whined at the red haired clown

"Hmm and what am I doing, my dear~" he smiled back

"Giving her those creepy looks of yours" Feitan hissed, his eyes narrowing at him stepping closer to your sitting form protectively

"Hisoka.....what news do you have from the Boss" Sharlnark sighed at the sight of the upcoming fight AGAIN!

It's been a month since the Phantom Troupe saved you from the so-called dying situation you decided to live in. They took special care of you, your wounds were occasionally checked by Machi and Sharlnark, not to mention Phinks would always force you to eat properly a full meal and then there was Kaluto who would follow you around don't why actually! 

And Hisoka!

Well, you HAVE met him before so from the first day you stayed away from him well TRIED to at least. He wouldn't be there for most of the time sometimes he would be gone for days, which had you worried once since he didn't return for a week but then you would always find him staring at you or smiling at you, he wouldn't speak much but he's just there! creeping you out....

But the weirdest of the bunch was Feitan. That guy hated you! at first he would sneer at you presence, when you tired to control your nen he would snicker calling you 'weak' from time to time he would bring back the topic to you to insult you, he would even pull you down to his height by squishing your cheeks together in his cold small hand and turn away.... you was a special member in troupe. Despite all the hard cold sadist he is, he would always volunteer to help you in practice, he would always sit by you while eating giving you bits of the food you like from time to time from his plate. The short guy always made sure you weren't drifting back to your 'boyfriend's' death scenario and he was protective of you.

Probably the reason why Hisoka found it so much easier to get under his skin. All Hisoka does is hold a conversation with you and wrap an arm around you, it is enough to send a wave of powerful dark nen his way! 

Bringing it to the present scenario Hisoka and Feitan were at it again for lost count actually! It was today that you were supposed to accompany Feitan and Phinks along with Hisoka to a nen exorcist. You weren't an official member of the troupe since you yet had to give it a thought and surprisingly you had a choice in this. Somehow this seemed to be your 'second life' to you but just somehow it didn't feel right! Except for the fact that they were criminals and chased by a blonde seeking revenge, their current boss was missing, 2 members died, one has already betrayed them and you just happen to be an emotional wreck sometime back....

"Oi (Y/n) hurry up" Phinks called out exiting the building with Feitan and Hisoka giving each other those looks

Smiling a soft one, you stood on your feet dusted your dress and followed after them 

Smiling a soft one, you stood on your feet dusted your dress and followed after them 

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Your POV:

"Oi Hisoka this better not be another one of your stupid tricks" Phinks growled at the red haired who walked in front of us in the streets

"Hmmm why would I do something like that~" he smiled back at us entering  Cafe

All of us stopped outside the cafe staring in disbelief before I entered with a small chink of the bell on the door and a voice over the counter "Welcome Miss" it was one of the workers. Nodding in his direction you spotted Hisoka sitting with a man with a hood over his head when a light push on your lower back moved you forward

"Come on" it was Feitan

We sat on the same small table talking, well they did all the talking while you simply admired the small beautiful cafe and the faint smell of coffee that roamed in the air. It wasn't much crowded so you appreciated the peace. A sad look appearing on your face again thoughts again drifting to Meruem when you last saw him sitting there smiling sadly at you and his voice


you jumped in your seat when a cold hand grasped yours on your lap squeezing it followed by those piercing black eyes boring into yours. You shifted a bit closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder leaning down a lot due to his short height, when you felt Feitan tense a bit at the sudden display of comfort. He did not utter a word nor did Phinks who was smirking nor did Hisoka who was smiling as per usual, to you it felt not right but it was nice! like you belonged 

"May I take your order now"

As if someone slapped you right across the face, the second that voice made it's way into your ears your head snapped so fast that you could almost hear a small 'chunk' sound of your neck but those eyes......those purplish pink eyes held everything around you that time. Those eyes that you wouldn't trade for the world those eyes that held so much love for you! the same eyes you longed to see all these days and ones you begged God to show you just once more....he stood in front of you!

"Meruem...." you asked tears trailing down your cheeks

"Yes, but do I know you" 

And ladies and gentlemen we FINISH the book!!! I know it kinda sucked but this is how I planned it all the while so yah! I hope you guys enjoyed it till the very end with me. I'm so grateful for all the love you've given this work and my hard work I really appreciate it all.....I hope you enjoy this chapter and AND I'm planning on writing a new book prolly on another anime so please give it the same love as you did to this one, this is Nat signing out!

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