Nipple Piercing - Healing/piercing/Advice/Etc

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Other people's experience - Stefaany

Before I got mine done I was considering it for maaaaaaany months. Until my boyfriend got tired of me talking about it lol. But I had so many questions and concerns just like you.  I had an amazing professional who was able to answer all my questions. Like him being honest I will as well.

It's VERY painful. BUT it's worth it. It's a weird pain like I've never experienced. But it's only temporary. It's like a very very bad pinch, you can feel the needle going in and popping twice as it goes. Of course there's two types of pains. The one when the needle is going in and the healing. The healing is not bad at all, JUST DONT MESS WITH THEM CAUSE THEY WILL I REPEAT THEY WILL GET INFECTED.
During the process it was I very weird like it hurts bad but don't get discouraged by it. Because if you really badly want it it'll be worth it. Trust me. Like I said I never experienced that pain. And it's only temporary. Afterward your nipple just feels very sore. And VERY SENSITIVE. My piercer said it's best to wear a bra because that way you have a "shield" as he called it to protect it. My tit was ultra sensitive for a good 2 weeks I would say. But with time it went away. Clean it everyday too is very important too. Doing the right things as told everything came out perfect. I didn't have any problems with mine. I got mine across. If that's what your asking and pain tbh 10/10.

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