Chapter 9

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I was left in complete shock. With the help of a guard I somehow managed to stumble into my room at the end of the ceremony. There, I lowered myself into an ornate chair without a sound. My eyes were locked onto the massive ring that surrounded my ring and I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. It was a beautiful occasion, I had gotten married after a lifetime of believing that I would live and die alone on that awful farm with those disgusting owners. That was no longer true. And the rest of my life would be filled with stunning dresses that swept the floor and enough food to kill a man daily.

But now it was complete. The ceremony was finished and I was married to a man I barely knew who was a part of a species I didn't even understand. I couldn't fathom how to feel. I just stared blindly at my ring while my maids went to work, undoing everything they had done this morning. Once my hair tumbled down my shoulders they helped me off the chair. I stayed very still and very silent until I realized they had replaced my wedding gown with a loose, soft gown before attempting to exit my room.

"Where are you all going?" I asked.

They always stayed with me, quietly hovering around in case I ever needed anything. Seeing them walk towards the exit made me nervous. I didn't want to be left alone in this big castle, especially not after the event I had just been put through.

"We are leaving so the king may come and complete the marriage." The small maid answered.

I didn't quite understand what she meant until I saw the tall dark haired maid stare at her in horror and give her arm a discrete smack. Evidently, her answer had been inappropriate and that caused the dormant thoughts in my mind to come to life. Dread filled me and I took small step back, as if they were just as dangerous as the king I had just married.

"The king has requested that we spend our evening doing other duties, however, should you need assistance with anything there are two guards stationed outside your door."

The tall maid explained. Her version was much nicer, but I knew the truth now and all I could do was shake my head at the three of them.

"You can't leave me." I denied, "You're my maids and I say you can't go."

The tall maid didn't seem at all affected by my pleas, but I noticed the smallest maid flinch slightly and drop her eyes. Perhaps she knew what kind of monster the king truly was. But even though I saw pity on some of their expressions they all bowed their heads and left my room without anymore explanation.

I paced restlessly, moving from one side of the room to the other in a frantic state. I started the second the maids closed the door behind themselves and I didn't stop. I knew that I had signed up for this, I had agreed to the king's terms if he allowed me to keep my horse and to marry me. And he had done both when he didn't have to do either. I was a slave and I had been rightfully sold to him. He had been correct when he had told me that he didn't owe me anything and he could do whatever he pleased with me. And instead of doing that he had married me- even if it had been planned without my knowledge- and my old beast was happier than he had ever been on the farm. His side of the bargain had been fulfilled.

So, I was married to a man I didn't know at all and now it was time for me to uphold my side of the deal. I was to allow him to bed me until I had a son for him. But I never thought of having a child, much less raising a royal baby that was partly from another species. Yes, I would be able to give my child everything; however, I was worried for my safety. I was now married to a werewolf and my son would be from the same bloodline. I could be raising a wild animal could've been fathered by a murderous killer for all I knew.

Even if that were not the case I didn't know how to be a mother. I had never truly had a mother of my own. I knew nothing or raising anything other than piglets and chicks. How on Earth was I supposed to be turned into a competent mother that would raise the future king?

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