Epilogue (edited)

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Before this chapter starts, I wanted to say that I posted a chapter late late Tuesday night and when things get posted super late, sometimes they're not seen. I just wanted to make sure y'all read it before you read this one because it's super adorable. Okay, go on.


I furrowed my eyebrows as I typed on my laptop. We were working on the fundamentals of showing and not telling before we dove into anything major. I looked at the list of things my professor gave us and thought. College was a lot different than high school. There were way fewer constraints and way more parties. I loved it. But I missed Madison. He helped me move in but hadn't been able to move out to New York with me like he planned. He had to figure out what to do with the pizzeria since it was technically his now and he didn't have enough money for the overpriced apartments here in the big apple. But we talked every day and that we enough to tide me over for now. I just missed his touch.

Once I found something that I thought I could describe, I started.

I feel the complex seesaw of emotions start to change in my brain. I'd tried fighting it for so long, but you eventually have to stop and realize how powerless you are against yourself. Like I have. I feel the shift from light to darkness. I want to scream and tell my brain to stop. To let the world know that I hate myself. That I just want to be normal. But I am so helpless and it's too late. The next few days are going to be hell for me and everyone I love and there is nothing I could do about it.

When I was done, I read over it a few times to make sure that it was enough. Satisfied, I filled in the box that said "prompt described" and typed in "bipolar disorder".

I was about to start on my next one when the dorm room door opened, revealing my roommate, Antoni, who was drenched in sweat from his workout. "Hey man," he said.

"What's up?" I asked as I turned back to my work and looked for one last prompt.

"There's no good way to say this, so I'm gonna just say it–someone absolutely wrecked your car. Like the back is smashed, kind of destroyed. Like totaled destroyed."

"Wait, what?" I said as my attention snapped to him.

"Yeah, I saw it on my way back but there's nobody there. Looks like a hit and run."

I cursed as I took my laptop off my lap and grabbed my phone and keys. "Thanks," I quickly said as I hurried out the room, about to dial 911 as I rushed down the stairs and toward the parking lot. How could this happen? I was right in front of the building. There was no way that the person could've not seen my car and there's no way no one saw who did it. My blood was boiling. When they found who did this I was gonna–

My thoughts were cut short when, leaning against my car with roses and chocolate in his hands, was Madison. Forgetting all the anger I harbored, I almost screamed before I ran toward him. He smiled and opened his arms before I jumped into them, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my head in his neck. "It's nice to see you too, babe," he chuckled as he held me.

I found myself crying. "I've missed you so much," I softly cried into his neck. "So so much." I hadn't held him since August, almost three months ago.

"I missed you too," he softly admitted as I pulled my head from his neck and kissed him, tears of joy still leaking from my eyes. We held it for a moment before I broke it and just hugged him again, but he didn't seem to mind.

After a few moments, I pulled away to see his handsome smiling face. I smiled up at him. "I can't believe you're here. I thought I wasn't going to see you until Thanksgiving," I softly said.

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