The Wedding (Bonus) (edited)

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Madison's POV

My heart was beating outside of my chest as the soft ceremonial music lightly floated in the air. My palms were sweating and I wanted to scream yet jump for joy and sing at the same time. Today was the day that Noah and I were getting married, bound to each other for the rest of our days. Though there had been almost two years between my proposal and today, it still felt so surreal. But I knew this was right. Being able to wake up next to him every morning and hold him every night felt absolutely amazing and I wanted that forever.

"Are you ready, Madison?" Gracie asked me, her arm hooked in mine. Despite the fact that I really didn't like her when we first met, Gracie, Noah, and I had grown close over the past few years, especially once she'd realized that being gay wasn't some terrible sin that would end the world. She'd become like a sister to us.

I nodded as I let out a shaky breath. "Yeah."

We made the short journey to the aisle. The sun brightly shined on us as it trickled through the canopy of trees and various decorations while blades of grass softly crunched beneath our feet. Noah wanted nothing more than an outdoor wedding and I could see why. We were in a breathtaking clearing in the middle of the forest surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers. Noah had demanded on decorating everything with Gracie, and I had to admit that everything looked delicate and amazing. It was beautiful.

We stood back as little Lily who wasn't so little anymore walked down the aisle and sprinkle flower petals on the walkway, a giant smile on her face as she did so. My heart jumped. Noah and I were going to have a little girl like her one day.

"It's go time," Grace gently said before she led me down the aisle, taking the place of the family that I no longer had. But the good thing about being gay was that you could choose your family and I knew that mine loved and cared about me.

As we walked, my heart jumped into my throat as the eyes of our friends, classmates, and coworkers followed me. Once I made it to my designated spot at the altar, Gracie gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and a reassuring smile, reminding me that everything was going to be okay.

I just wanted everything to be perfect for him. All I cared about was him.

Connor took his place beside me, acting as both of our best man. Abbi sat a few rows back with one hand resting on her prominent belly, her engagement ring glistening in the sunlight. She was due any week now. Next to her sat Mr. Hill, John, and Lily who'd climbed onto John's lap.

A few moments later, Noah appeared in the center aisle his arm linked with his Nonna's as he walked down the aisle, his Nonna still going on strong despite her growing age. Tears instantly sprung to my eyes as I watched him approach me. He looked beautiful as always with his hair neatly slicked back, a suit he looked unbelievably sexy in, and the gentle smile on his face that I fell in love with all those years ago. It was hard to believe that he was mine. All the nervousness that I felt melted away and was replaced by pure joy, pride, and love.

Once he reached the altar, we took hands, giant smiles on both of our faces. "Hey, babe," he gently said.

"Hi," was all I could say, my body still in shock of what was happening.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Madison Williams and Noah Bruno in holy matrimony," the priest announced, causing me to bite my bottom lip in an effort to restrain the ever-growing smile on my face. "We will now commence with the vows they have written for each other."

I hadn't realized that my tears as spilled over onto my cheeks until Noah reached out and gently swept them off my face with his thumb and said "Don't cry, baby." I smiled and kissed the palm of his hand then held it.

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