King has returned.

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I was put back in the white room after we had been caught. I was strapped to the chair this time and I was sure that they had probably all the elemental cuffs on me, as well as silver. The silver chains were around my chest and the chair, and my hands were cuffed behind the chair, and my legs were chained to the chair legs as well.

I wasn't sure what they have done with Daniel, but I was slightly apprehensive. I was uncomfortable, to say the least, but for the first time was feeling slightly hopeless. I didn't know what they would do with me, and for once I was out of ideas.

I waited for a day, becoming hungry, thirsty and extremely uncomfortable. I was sure that they were just trying to break me down. My Scent potion had worn off by now, and I wasn't happy about it. 

I growled in the empty silence of the room. I was thinking over what I had done and seen these last few days, and something wasn't adding up. How were the 6 different kingdoms actually working together?  They wouldn't do that without some sort of hierarchy. Suspicions kept on adding up in my mind. There was a seat missing in the meeting room that I briefly crashed. No one sat at the head of the table. The ball last night, they were socialising, but all seemed apprehensive of something, or perhaps, someone. The Vampire King didn't make a speech at all. 

I was starting to think that they were all underneath the rule of someone. But. No. They couldn't do that? Hand all the power of the 6 groups to one person, all the different Kingdoms under the rule of one King. 

Fuck. There was someone in a higher power, someone controlling all the Royals. How did I miss out that information?

And they weren't leaving me in this room to break me down, no. They were waiting, waiting for him. And I already knew, it wouldn't be good. I had disrupted his peaceful Kingdom. 

He must have arrived later at the ball, and was about to arrive in the meeting room before I crashed it. 

Just as I realised this, someone came in. Looking up apprehensively, I saw it was only one of the female guards. She didn't say anything, only came straight up to me and punched me in the face. She continued punching me while I just tried to hold in any noise, and tensed in my chair as blood started dripping down my face. 

She left once I was struggling to breathe and bloody, barely conscious. At least three of my ribs were broken, my mouth was bloody, and there were bruises blossoming all over my body. I coughed and spat out blood onto the floor. There was blood dripping down the side of my face, some going into my eye as I blinked rapidly. Pain rocketed all over my body and I was sure she had also dislocated my shoulder, and pain gripped it whenever I tried to move my hands from the cuffs behind me.

I lost consciousness a few hours later, the whole room fading into darkness. I have really got to stop doing that.

When I woke I was in the same room, just hanging from the wall again. The silver chains snaked down from the ceiling, fastening my hands above me, just allowing me to stay on my feet as my arms were raised above me. My shoulder was hurting whenever I put any weight on it, and the silver burnt.

Silver chains wrapped around my ankles and fastened them to the ground as well. I was well and truly trapped. I was still wearing a sports bra and leggings.

No-one was in the room, but I was certain at least someone was watching me, somewhere. I hung my head and saw the puddle of blood below me that must have come from my face. 

I tried to pull myself up using the chains but my dislocated shoulder hurt too much, and I found I couldn't use it at all.

I growled aggressively at the truth that I couldn't move, anger flooding me. Being trapped was the only thing I hated, the thing I feared, and my blood boiled at the thought. I growled again, at the room and I felt my vampire fangs came down.

I couldn't relax, so I was forced to just stand there, in pain. 

Eventually, the door opened, sickeningly slowly. I didn't try to look up, because I knew that if I did they would see that I wasn't broken, they would see the fire and fight in my eyes and the result would be worse. If they wanted submissive little captive, I would give them one. But I couldn't help the slight terror running through my veins.

I heard one, two people walking in. I sniffed the air, testing the scent. One of them I knew, the other was a strange smell. I couldn't identify the one I knew but they were both definitely Royal, I could feel their aura of power from here. I heard the scraping of a chair, that was slowly being dragged towards me. 

From what I could tell, the other person was just standing still. The chair dragging stopped, and someone sat right in front of me, in the chair. I could just see the tips of the shoes.

"I don't know if you've been in an interrogation before. Judging from how easily you gave in, I would guess you haven't." A voice echoed around the room. A voice I vaguely knew, it was the Agency Leader. Just this fact bought shivers down my spine. 

"So I'm just going to tell you exactly how they work." He said, as I still didn't look up. He continued on in a low, menacing tone.

"This is the part, where you tell us everything we need to know." 

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