Chapter 1

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"I bet you're dying to know what happened to my tail," Jade giggled, twirling around in her Halloween costume like it was a fashion show three months ahead of schedule.

"Is this your way of cheering me up?" I asked with a mock frown, watching her antics. She kept on prancing around the room, waving her tail in the air like it was the latest accessory craze. Meanwhile, the kettle started its own solo performance in the background, singing its high-pitched tune. I shuffled over to it, feeling like I was in the middle of some bizarre sitcom.

As I waited for the water to boil, the comforting scent of chamomile tea filled the air, transporting me back to simpler times. I couldn't help but picture Jacob, my ex, bringing me a cup of tea just the way I liked it.

"Are those tears I see, Cathy?" Jade's cheerful expression melted into a worried one.

"Tears? No way. Just a sudden craving for pain, I bit my tongue," I replied with a bittersweet laugh.

"Right, and I'm the next Shakespeare," she quipped, rolling her eyes. "Listen, Cathy, we've only got 18 days left before we're off to college. Can we please have one night without the pity party?"

"Well, excuse me for mourning the loss of the love of my life. Can't help it if heartbreak is my new hobby," I retorted, feeling the sting of rejection all over again.

"Hey, I'd love to sue your ex for emotional damages, but my bank account says otherwise," Jade remarked, snatching the tea from my hands.

"You're insufferable, you know that?" I grumbled, but couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Takes one to know one," she chuckled, darting off with a twirl.

Her laughter filled the room, briefly lifting the weight from my chest. When she returned, her curls were tamed into a messy bun, and she was rocking a stunning blue silk gown that accentuated her every curve. With a playful grin, she posed as if the paparazzi were watching.

"Alex is picking us up in two hours for the dance. Time to get dolled up," she announced with a smile that could light up a room.

But I wasn't feeling the prom spirit. How could I? How was I supposed to face the entire school without Jacob by my side? Jacob and Catherine were meant to be a package deal. What was the point of going if every moment would be spent longing for him? This was supposed to be our big high school send-off before embarking on our college adventure together.

Reluctantly, I shuffled into our shared bedroom. Jade and I had been thick as thieves since 7th grade, connected by the unbreakable bond between our moms. They were like two peas in a pod, always gabbing about growing old together under the same roof. So, that's exactly what they did. Our families lived together until cancer took Jade's dad. After that, Jade's mom decided it was time to pack up and head back to our hometown of Roussillon in France. Jade wasn't just a friend; she was practically my sister. She completed me in a way only a best friend could.

A pink gown hung from the corner of the bed, practically begging me to give it a whirl. After a quick shower, I slipped it on, feeling a twinge of excitement. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but grin. The dress clung to my curves in all the right places, making me feel like a million bucks. My hair tumbled down my back in soft waves, framing my face in a way that made me feel... well, pretty darn good.

Sure, Jade had her own brand of fabulousness, but I wasn't envious. I was just in awe. My smile began to slip as my thoughts drifted to Jacob.

"Whatever's going on in that head of yours, it's not true," Jade's voice interrupted my thoughts as she appeared at the door.

"I don't even know how I'm going to handle all of this," I confessed, tears welling up at the mere thought of the upcoming dance, college with Jacob, sharing an apartment with him, and the prospect of living in New York post-breakup—all while being miles away from Jade and our moms.

"No one ever really has it all figured out, you know. You just... figure it out as you go," she replied with a simple wisdom that always seemed to cut through the noise.

I wiped away the tears, letting Jade take charge and work her magic with my makeup. By the time she was done, Alex was already downstairs, probably charming the socks off my parents. Alex, our neighbor and best friend, had always had a soft spot for Jade, but she was too focused on her studies to notice. She had her heart set on becoming an engineer like her dad, but lately, she seemed uncertain. It broke my heart to see her struggle with something she was so passionate about, and I didn't know how to help her through it.

"Jade, Catherine! Your ride's here, ready to whisk you away!" My mom's voice called from downstairs.

As we headed down, the smell of freshly baked cookies hit us. My parents were in the kitchen, going at it with the cookie decorating.

"Michael, easy on the icing, love," my mom, Helena, said, trying to keep the chaos under control.

"Hey, Auntie Helena, Uncle Michael," Jade greeted them with her usual grin.

"Look who's here! Our favorite girls!" my parents chimed in, their excitement contagious.

For the next thirty minutes, our moms lectured us on the importance of this night, how it would be a turning point in our lives. Jade's mom, Isabella, was on FaceTime with my mom so she wouldn't miss the moment. They droned on and on and on about taking a million pictures, setting curfew with Alex, and every tiny detail we already had down pat.

"Bye, dad. Bye, mommy!" I hollered as we finally escaped into the car.

Jade and I belted out tunes the entire ride, much to Alex's disapproving head-shaking.

You know, maybe tonight wouldn't be half bad after all.

A/N: Hey, fellow book lover! Thanks for joining me on this thrilling journey through my stories. These books? They're my pride and joy, finally getting their moment to shine. Get ready for a weekly dose of excitement as I unveil new chapters. And here's the scoop: "De la Rosa" and "Peace" share the same awesome universe! If this chapter got you hooked (which I know it did), spread the word and hit that vote button. Your love for reading fuels my storytelling fire! Remember, every page turned brings a new adventure!

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