Chapter 3

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Jade shrieked. "Am I dreaming? Please pinch me."

I couldn't tear my eyes away from his stunning face. Liam was breathtaking, from the chiseled angles of his jaw to the subtle gestures in his voice. His brown curls framed his face perfectly, and his skin looked like it was sculpted by angels. It was as if he was crafted by a divine hand to be the epitome of attractiveness, spoiling our eyes with his presence. My lungs seemed to forget how to function when he flashed me that heart-stopping smile, causing me to quickly turn away and stuff my cheeks with ice cream. I wasn't even a fan of his music, but even I couldn't deny the undeniable fact that he was a beautiful man.

"We should totally go ask for an autograph," pleaded Jade, her eyes practically popping out of her head with excitement. It was like she was about to explode with anticipation, and honestly, I was worried she might actually pee her pants. Who knew ice cream could be such a thrill ride?

Meanwhile, Liam seemed to be having a heated debate with his watch. "I thought you said this place would be empty, Andrew."

Jade let out a high-pitched squeal and started pinching her leg like it was some kind of stress toy. I glanced around and realized, yep, we were the only ones left in the shop. It was midnight, for crying out loud—who in their right mind would be craving rocky road at this ungodly hour?

I shrugged and continued to shovel spoonfuls of ice cream into my face, trying my best to act cool. But Jade had other plans. Next thing I knew, she was standing right in front of Liam, staring at him like he was a unicorn that had just walked in off the street. Her mouth hung open like she'd forgotten how to close it, and I swear I could see tumbleweeds blowing through her brain as she struggled to form words.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I grabbed my ice cream cup and sauntered over to them.

I pulled Jade away from Liam, trying to play it cool despite my heart doing cartwheels in my chest. "I'm Catherine. This is Jade. Mind giving her an autograph so we can get out of your hair?"

"So, you're the brave one?" he smirked, his charm oozing out like melted ice cream. Swoon!

"Brave? Nah, just not as head-over-heels crazy about you as she is," I replied, trying to mask my inner fangirl with a nonchalant shrug.

He flashed me a smile before signing Jade's tissue. She stood there like a statue, completely frozen, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Liam looked genuinely surprised by my reaction. "You have a cute laugh. Kinda dorky, but in a charming way."

Wait, did Liam freaking Henderson just call my laugh cute? Cue the internal screaming—I should be recording this moment for posterity.

Finally, Jade managed to form a coherent sentence. "You smell as good as you look."

Facepalm. Classic Jade.

Liam, however, seemed unfazed by the compliment. "Thanks," he replied casually, as if people didn't normally go around telling him he smelled nice.

"We should probably get going. It's getting late," I yawned, nudging Jade to follow me, but she seemed rooted to the spot. Annoyed, I huffed and plopped back down in my seat. After a few moments, Jade finally slid into the chair across from me, with Liam casually taking the seat beside her.

"So, what's your story?" Liam inquired, his gaze fixed on me.

"My story?" I blinked in surprise, feeling a rush of excitement and panic all at once.

"Yeah, your story. Tell me about yourself, Catherine," he said, his tone inviting and curious.

Oh my gosh, he knows my name! Cue the internal fanfare.

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