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Lucifer watched across the table as the angels, all sitting across the small width of marble acquiesced to his suggestion. It had taken them a long while to trust him and their magical abilities for detecting traps or poisons before they had tasted the treats he had brought as a peace offering. As he had spoken and underlined his new proposal, he had watched their resistance melt one by one until they had all enjoyed at least one sticky bun. Then they had all voted on whether not the council would issue a decree

Mikael and Raphael were not in attendance, though Sarathiel had been given the authority to vote for both. And his former whatever Sarathiel had been before betraying him had always been a little rigid but not nearly as obstinate as most of his brethren. Gzrel and Ananiel had voted in agreement with Sarath, followed grudgingly by Gabriel and Haniel, both of whom looked like he had poisoned them, despite their clear enjoyment of the sticky buns. Camael, Chayylie and Uriel were the last to give in, though he had been surprised when Eae had glanced at Sarathiel and agreed without argument.

With the meeting's purpose done, the angels started leaving and Lucifer had stridden out of the ornate marble building in the centre of Praetoria.

"Sataniel." It was only the annoyance at the use of this former name that kept him from shivering in pleasure as he turned around to watch Sarathiel walk towards him. He had made his move and it worked, better than expected, judging by the look on the angel's face as he paused to wait for that powerful stride to bring them closer.

But Lucifer wasn't in the mood for what he wanted tonight.

The meeting had gone to plan, his peace offering had been well received and he had achieved exactly what he had intended to achieve. Both in and out of the meeting. Lucifer now had Sarathiel walking towards him alone, which is something that hadn't happened in ages, but he was not in the correct frame of mind for it.

He blamed it on the human, the girl, asking for him to do nice things after turning down his soul and all his power. She unsettled him and he didn't want to speak intimately with another being until he had found himself on solid footing once more. Lucifer had no idea how to respond to a human who should mean very little to him.

"You know I don't go by that name." He finally answered, shaking his head and glowering at the Angel. "It is so... gaudy."

"And Lucifer is entirely humanistic." Sarathiel raised a brow, smirking to him as he came to a stop, his golden feathered wings hanging loosely on his side. "Iblis, then?"

Lucifer shook his head slowly, forcing himself not to growl at the condescending pet name he had not heard since he was a child. "I gave the humans the name Lucifer. I enjoy the fear it still causes. You know there are a great deal of them who think all of this, all the other beings, are my fault? That I inherited the earth and the rest of you are actually gone on to whatever they think is after all this? That their suffering is entirely my fault?"

Sarathiel watched him for a long while, as if debating taking the bait, before he shook his head. "What you brought with you. They were made physically, not magically." There was a question there, a curiosity that Lucifer wasn't about to satisfy tonight.

"I bought them, Sarathiel." Lucifer snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. "You're welcome."

"Where did you buy them?" Sarathiel matched his pose, jaw clenching. Sarathiel was larger than Lucifer, his physical form more of a warrior's, with corded muscle and thick shoulders though they were of the same height. Golden eyes to Lucifer's black, dark skin and hair to Lucifer's pale skin and auburn locks, Sarathiel was as gorgeous as the rest of the angels were.

Lucifer refused to consider that line of thinking however, shrugging and offering his trademark smirk of defiance. "Oh, just a little shop."

"What's your game?" Sarathiel narrowed his eyes then, his frustration palpable. "There was nothing wrong with them, though I detected human fear and sadness, what did you do?"

"As if you care about human fear and sadness, Sarathiel." Lucifer gave him a hard look, then rolling his eyes at the angel's look of innocence. "You only care because you are worried that those were the last that will ever be made. They're not. I can get you more, but it's my secret for now. There is no game. You're just not asking very nicely."

Sarathiel's expression became surprised, before he inclined his head. "How does one ask Iblis for something, nicely?"

"One waits until Lucifer is ready to speak with them." Lucifer gave him a dark look, before turning away from Sarathiel. "Come find me and I will get you another one."

He didn't wait for an answer, just allowed his power to wrap around him and transport him back to his home, to the silence and darkness of the sprawling mansion he had created when they had brought the world of humanity to an end.

Despite what they thought, it had only been Lucifer's stubborn refusal to completely wipe out humanity that had kept them safe when the Angels and their day kin warriors had decided that Earth needed to be stabilized. But still the humans feared the hunters at night, despite the fact that the daylight hours were the most dangerous. They may have been a little scarier to look at, and the dark was a naturally frightful place for those with weakened senses, but the human curfew had been a way for the day kin to try to eke out more hunting time. Lucifer had not minded, for he had long protected the beings who prayed to the angels to keep them safe.

If Lucifer were an egotistical man, he would have been offended. 

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